What Shame...How to Lollipop?


Well-Known Member
I began reading the sites lollipop threads that have come up and i didnt feel that i was satisfied by the rhetoric. I even felt such shame at not knowing this subject that I demoted myself to the newwwwbie threads. What I want to know is everything about lollipopping...All help will be greatly appreciated. Pics are worth a thousand words or whatever.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested too.

But you seem to have left it more then open ended.

My Qs to start with:

do it to seed plants or clones? (or both)
If seed plants, keep them trimmed to a single cola through out the veg stage? (pertains to clones too)


Well-Known Member
I'm interested too.

But you seem to have left it more then open ended.

My Qs to start with:

do it to seed plants or clones? (or both)
If seed plants, keep them trimmed to a single cola through out the veg stage? (pertains to clones too)
Great Question...

Q: Is Yield better?Nugs Denser?...What is the benefit/drawback?


Well-Known Member
WTF...I even posted in the newb section b/c I NEEDED HELP. WTF, whats it take to get people response...FREE BUD HERE!
WTF...I even posted in the newb section b/c I NEEDED HELP. WTF, whats it take to get people response...FREE BUD HERE!

Haha you got my attention. Just send the bud to my po box. haha kidding. anyways the lollipop method is a form of pruning. cutting off 1/3 of the lower branches, will divert all energy to remaining branches, thus stimulating growth in one main cola or a few smaller ones if using scrog. basically if the plant has 12 nodes (not counting fan leafs), you would want to completely remove the bottom 4 nodes, giving your plant a "lollipop" shape. the best time to cut is probably about 2 weeks before flowering to give it time to heal before you decide to change the photoperiod. this would most likely increas yeild considerably if done right. good luck!


the fan leaves do not produce flower sites, but rather suck up light to feed the rest of the plant. important during early and middle flowering.


New Member
"lollipoping" - Is the act of removing lower brances, sometimes all the way up to the top 2 nodes - many make clones from these removed branches. The idea is that all you get is popcorn buds down there so why waste plants energy - Botanist argue that removing foilage or any branches will reduce yield overall.

The truth of the matter is that it is a valid technique when applied to indoors - our plants do not produce good lower buds and removing them not only provides for clones in some cases but increases air flow, light penatration, and reduces crowding... you do indeed get slightly fatter top buds. If you do this...do it slowly over time before you flower ideally, remove the weak branches that will produce next to nothing at minimal...if its more then 4ft from the top and its a bottom branch you should remove it if you choose to use this technique...do not remove all of them at once but gradually remove one at a time and allow healing time.

In the end its your call because I have done zero lollipoping up to maximum lollipoping...the results arent really that much different in my experience...I tend to lean toward the idea that more foliage is more energy but I like to remove the lower branches (example: a small branch that is more then 4 or 5 ft from the light and will produce jack shit)..I make clones from these branches..with extreme lollipoping (only leaving top 2 nodes) you can often fit more plants in your flowering room, lollipoping is a strategy if you grow untrained or untopped plants in sog. If you top/FIM your plants it often becomes an unnecessary strategy to employ.


Well-Known Member
My last harvest I toped a plant twice and gave it 1.5 square feet and lollipoped another. 2weeks veg. The topped plant gave me 3.5 oz wet an the lolled one gave me 1.5 oz wet (big cola). I did this to figure out space efficiency for sea of green with no veging next time. I could fit five or six lollipops in the space I had my spydered topped plant. That's around double the yield but it all depends on your setup, grow style and so on, good luck! If you just have one plant I would veg longer and not lollipop but hey you are your own master and each grow hopefully will be a learning experience.