What should be my next step? And what should I improve


New Member
Yo, so this is my first plant, I germinated the seed in mid February, soil contains: garden soil all-purpose, egg shells and banana peels. I use water that has banana peels soaking for 2-3 days in jars. I recently just increased the amount of banana water I give her. Also don’t know the strain, random seed.

goal: natural substance plant, no boosts with chemicals


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So your around 70 days veg. Plant looks good, here’s any easy way to tell if plant is happy. Foliage should be a shade darker than new growth. No yellow leafs at bottom ( needs more food). Watch your upper leafs, after watering they will pray up to the light. Leafs level and slightly up (HAPPY!). Starting to droop and pot light enough to lift one handed. (Time for water). You want it to go through this cycle as many times as you can for it’s life to spur defensive growth. Obviously if they get droopy and put is still moist water but unless it’s locked out it will dry. Write a label as to how much it took and stick it on pot. Now you know how much it should take every watering. More means it’s growing good same is fine, less unless in last few weeks of flower means there might be a problem. But you will catch it early because you will Now know what it needs to be healthy.

When you water, give it a cup around the edge then let sit for 10 minutes repeat until it starts to weep out of drains. Put a tray under and empty in an hour. NO WATER until next cycle.