what should i choose for nutes for flowering..need to know before she dies


Active Member
i don't need to know other places and websites to buy from i simply want to know if i can use miracle gro rose plant food 18-24-16 or tomato plant food 18-18-21 for early early flowering..i can get Espoma line of nutes but i don't think they are good for flowering..i don't live near a hydro shop so i can only go to walmart lowes or homedepot, yes i know i can order online but i don't have a credit card at the moment and most people know I'm not a gardening person so it might raise questions on why I'm having nutes sent to my house by my roommates haha, 1 more thing..i have never added a single drop of nutes yet to it and my plant is 8 weeks 2 days old from when i planted the seed and its about 15.5 inches tall..right now the leaves are doing some weird shit..

2011-09-10_18-55-42_384.jpg only 1 leaf is drooping really bad

2011-09-10_18-55-15_73.jpg just about all the leaves are doing this

P.s. i just put the plant threw 36 hours of darkness


Active Member
MG tastes like shit if you have to use shults they have it at some walmarts and meijer it will taste better

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
MG tastes like shit if you have to use shults they have it at some walmarts and meijer it will taste better
Taste relies much more on curing than the nutes used esp with a good flush.

Taken from the flora bloom " Provides high Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur."
just get one that has high amount of those things, esp the Phosphorous and Potassium.
Magnesium and Sulfur will be in lower doses.

good luck


Active Member
What would happen if the mg was used throughout flowering?...don't mean to hijack, just curious...I apologize.
you're fine..and that's what i'm trying to do i guess..i have read that people have had good luck with it and horrible luck with it..same goes for MG soil but i'm using MG soil and i haven't added 1 drop of nutes to the soil and according to people on this site it looks great


Well-Known Member
First, I would like to know the reasoning behind the 36 hour dark period. Not to prod or offend, I'm simply curious.

Also, That "droopy leaf" is suffering from lack of light. It doesn't necessarily need to be pruned, but it could be blocking some underlying branches. Check under there, and if there are suffering branches, prune it right off. Also, I think it would be a very solid investment to get some mylar for that wall. The mylar will reflect light to the lower leaves and possibly save you time pruning and improve your yield.

As far as your nutrient questions go, I think that what your experiencing is simple; the plant has used up all the nutrients from the soil (which have obviously been sufficient) and now are telling you they need more. Start them on a two-three times per week feeding schedule with Jack's Classic Blossom Booster, or my favorite, TigerBloom!


Active Member
Im having the same problem as you brother. What Nute is the best for the flower stage, if i can only afford to spend about $40 on nutes ? Ive heard a bit about Dyna-Gro Liquid Bloom, does anyone know anything about this ? Or of any better cheap nutes to flower with??