What should I do--need expert advice


I have a grow room set up of 5x5 and have 13- 3' 9wk.old girls. Growing in pro-mix w/ worm castings and osmocote. 400watt mh/hps and 400watts flourescent grow lights.
My question has to do with the most logical move for me to make at this time....
I see that I am totally out of space with these girls and they are beginning to crowd each other-- ( I would send pix. but camera is out for the time being).My question is---should I switch NOW to hps and flowering or would it make any sense for me to keep them veg. any longer?
Just need a few more logical brains on this one!


Well-Known Member
That is gonna get way over crowded! I've been battling the " too damn tall" problem in my room as well. I would cut those suckers down to about a foot tall, givem a few days, then flower. Lots of strains will even triple in size after turning them to 12/12. Do you have room for 13 nine footers?


thanks for the advice!! Next time I need to start alot fewer with the space I have available. Didn't realize I would have such success with these Black Widows! (not complaining of course! :)