What should I do ?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Chicken manure is my secret fertilizer. Have no idea why more growers don’t use it. Cheap, effective, and fast acting; great source of N. Never had to feed that many plants myself; I’m just a hobby grower but I say go for it.


Well-Known Member
Should I add chicken fertilizer into my 800 gallons I used compost tea every other week to be more on getting all NPK instead of chicken which is high in Nitrogen going to be putting out May 1-6
Hey I didnt see this post. Those plants look great. I dont use chicken manure in the compost tea cause it can become anaerobic. I use Alaskan humus as my base for all my tea's. Right now my recipe is

Alaskan Humus
Nature pride brix

I like to keep it simple. I also cut my tea so 1 gallon of tea to 3 parts water. You can feed full strength though thats just how I do it.
Also check out my buddies new nutrient line. Hes down in Healdsburg. So i'm sure you can fine his products in Mendocino soon.
