What should i install in the wall for carbon filter exhaust


Well-Known Member
Helping a friend set up a small grow in his bedroom, just one plant so he just wants a basic carbon filter, but Im not an electrician and not sure on what's the best way to go in regards to what we need to do to the wall?

You can see here where he wants to exhaust, to outdoors:

It's metal with foam insulation, about 3" wide. So he wants to drill a vent of some sort in that already kinda cut-out area. (What equipment would be needed - circular saw?)

But he also wants it to look non-suspicious from outside, so something like a normal bathroom wall exhaust fan or something? (a window with duct pipe might look a bit suss) Dont think I would actually be having the exhaust fan ever powered on though, as I'd be using the carbon filter's inline fan for that. And Im guessing the fan blades in the exhaust fan might interfere with that?

Something like this maybe? Probably wont need electrician then (wont be able to use the fan tho), just a family friend who's handy with powertools

But those fans arent cheap. Or maybe there are vent-only options? like this $15 one ...


Will probably simply hang the carbon filter from the ceiling by drilling in a couple hooks, probably hang the light from there also.

Any advice would be much appreciated because as you can tell im a bit clueless at the moment despite the last two hours on the intergooglewebs!
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A standard bathroom fan vent like the $15 one you posted will work. Just don't buy a bathroom fan with it, set it up and buy an inline extractor fan to match the vent hole, will be either 4 or 5".

Is there no brick on the outside? If its brick you want a core drill to core it out. Attach the fan cover outside by drilling and plugging then screw it on. You can get solid plastic duct which attaches to the rim of the fan cover, cut it to length with a hacksaw or fine tooth saw, allow a few inches of the plastic to come into the room and attach ducting to it and to your extractor fan and then to your filter.

Cant really tell from the pic what is cut out, if you need to cut metal, you could use a jigsaw if there is clearance for the blade. You could use a dremel or an angle grinder or machine gun it with a drill and tin snips. Like I say, cant tell from the pic what you need to get through, you say there's a section cut out but not sure if that goes all the way to outside or if its just the inside.
Nope no brick on the outside, the outside looks exactly the same. It's one of those cheap transportable office/minihomes that are similar to a shipping container but insulated walls instead of plain metal. It's metal on either side (not sure which) with foam insulation inside, about 3" wide, the metal is about 3mm thick. I have drilled through it before to create a hole for a wire to pass through, took nearly a good minute to drill through, not the sharpest drillbit though
Nope no brick on the outside, the outside looks exactly the same. It's one of those cheap transportable office/minihomes that are similar to a shipping container but insulated walls instead of plain metal. It's metal on either side (not sure which) with foam insulation inside, about 3" wide, the metal is about 3mm thick. I have drilled through it before to create a hole for a wire to pass through, took nearly a good minute to drill through, not the sharpest drillbit though
I was wondering if it was an all metal construction.
Go outside with a 4 or 5 inch fan vent, mark it up, drill a pilot hole and just cut a few mm wider than the internal circle of the fan vent, a jigsaw should cut through it. Just go steady, make sure no wires are in there. Once you have your circle cut out drill pilot holes for the screws to attach fan cover, you might need a 4 little blocks of wood to screw your fan cover straight into which will secure it in place, then its just a case of getting the a plastic solid duct length to slide either inside or outside the plastic circle of the external fan cover. Then your ready to use it with an inline fan and filter.