What size grow tent for what # of plants?

Just wondering how big the grow tent should be for a given number of plants. I am certain I wouldn't want to grow more than 12, and probably less than that... but idk really.

Is it particularly advantageous to get one especially big so you can walk around in there with the plants?

Are grow tents typically easy to disassemble and pack up so you can move them out of a house if you need to?


Well-Known Member
4x4 is a good place to start, you grow from 1-16 depending on veg time, training and pot size.

for 16 use 1-3 gallon pots 2ish weeks veg, no topping or training, lolipop before flower. (With this method keeping up with watering especially in flower is a giant pain in the ass unless you’re automated)

typical runs in a 4x4 are 1-4 plants, topped and trained till you’ve established desired canopy height/width(this typically doubles in flower) then flip to flower. 4 plants use 5-7 gallon containers, 1 plant 15gal is ideal.

(container sizes are assuming soil grown)

yes bigger tents are easier to work in, but a less efficient use of space.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how big the grow tent should be for a given number of plants. I am certain I wouldn't want to grow more than 12, and probably less than that... but idk really.

Is it particularly advantageous to get one especially big so you can walk around in there with the plants?

Are grow tents typically easy to disassemble and pack up so you can move them out of a house if you need to?
Seriously , do you really need a tent ? Seems like everyone is growing in tents. I've been growing a very long time , never needed a tent.
Seriously , do you really need a tent ? Seems like everyone is growing in tents. I've been growing a very long time , never needed a tent.
I was thinking tents would be more efficient because they'd trap the light from growlights inside instead of letting it go off to the side away from the plants into the rest of the room they're in.

I was also of the impression you may benefit from a tent if you want to reduce plant odors.. but idk.

They also might provide a convenient place to hang lights I would imagine... if you don't already have that.
You’re not in charge here
Yikes, don't take me to the gulag Mr. Revolutionary! Just hoping to get some indoor growing advice, not trying to start a counter-revolutionary movement.

"I'd appreciate it if..." indicates a suggestion, not an order. I thought since education was freely available in the motherland your language comprehension might be a bit better.
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Well-Known Member
I know I have 4 autos in a 3x3 in five gallon pots and is pretty crowed to water. Next time only doing 3. So I would say depends on pot size can’t see doing in less than five gln if soil so 3x3 would say three.4x4 4 5x5 5 and so on is how I will plan for here on out. Having the blumatt system now I will add one more plant


Well-Known Member
I like @MarsColonist.

I usually grow 6 plants per 4x4 plot. It's easier for me to wait to start my next crop a little later to keep them small in my veg room, and let them fill out for a week or two in my flower tents before I flip them. 4 plants is a nice balance too. Grow more if you're running regular seeds.


Well-Known Member
I think it is about having specific numbers for some
Venting …
A formula
Granted not everyone adapts to it
But they like a baseline
I hated tent growing too :lol:
Seems like everyone , especially new growers, are " jumping on band wagon". I'd hate to work on plants in such cramped areas......