what size tent is best for a scrog grow?


Well-Known Member
I am almost ready to start a scrog grow. I was wanting to know what would be a good tent size? I was thinking maybe a 1 plant scrog in a waterfarm system in a 36x20x63 tent with a 400 watt mh/hps light. I could go with a 2 plant scrog in soil in the same tent with the same light. Or I was thinking maybe a 36x36x63 tent with a 4 small plant scrog. So what would you do if you had the choice?


Well-Known Member
36 x 36 tent with 400w HPS and 4 plants in 3 gallon pots seems like a recipe for success.


Active Member
3 x 3 or 4 x 4 at the most. Any larger and its a royal pita to reach the center to tuck branches under.
3x3 is good but I would probably only do 2 plants in there cause you run out of room before you know it and nothing is worse than a over crowded scrog