What size tub? +rep


Well-Known Member
Are you planning to grow a 5 foot plant or you have a 5 foot plant. I have 3 girls in a 10 gallon tote... approx 6.5 gal of H20 & Nutes. I run 1 12" air stone and 1 6" air stone in the tote off a dual outlet air pump. They are about 4 1/2 feet tall on day 45 of blooming. Check out my grow below.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Please give more info about your set up. If hydro, I would say go with a 5 gallon rez minimum. This will be dependant on other factors like temperature as well. Also, are you looking to have to top off the rez everyday? or do you want some room to slack a little? If you don't mind topping every day towards the end of flowering, you can stay pretty low on the rez size (3-5 gallons at the lowest). If you're a lazy stoner like me, maybe try an 8 gallon rez so you can miss a day of topping off or so without the rez going dry. Again, rez size will change based on whether you're doing DWC, ebb n flow, or hempy bucket. Just figure out how much you're willing to put into this grow of yours and utilize the appropriate method. We'll be here for any ?s you run into boss. good luck.


Active Member
wow, you have (3) 4 1/2 ft plants in a ten gallon tote. I thought you would need more space so the roots won't be so confined.

Yes, I plan on growing multiple large plants in a DWC set up most likely under a 600w mh/hps.

I was going to buy 4 18 gallon totes but I'm not sure how much gallons of space the plants would need.

BTW Scoot, how much yield do you expect from your girls, and how long did you veg them for?


Active Member
general rule i've seen for soil is 1 gallon of root space per foot of vertical growth. seems kinda less black and white for hydro, but i wouldn't go below 1gal/1foot. my buckets stay between 3-3.5gal with 1 plant in each. the onlt tub i still use has three plants and stays between 7-8gal.

the more space you give them the more they'll use so if you're in it for yield like the rest of us, bigger is better. the girls i have in tubs still are dramatically smaller than the ones i transfered from tubs to buckets a month ago.

the number one reason i won't ever use tubs again is that the plants are too crowded that way. too much shading, damaging leaves/stems while moving, and gimpy leaves that grow all funny in the dark spots.

i moved to a bigger grow room so if i continue growing dwc in the future (next crop will be in coco) i'll be looking into using a 24gal keg-cooler tub for each plant and i'll see how big i can veg 'em while tying down branches for days... my hindu skunk got to 30" before kicking to bloom yesterday and she's tied down to 18" right now - 5 gallon bucket with 3.5gal solution.


Well-Known Member
I agree with hotbox. You could go with more space and a larger res. Im running one 400W light. My girls are doing fine even in a small res. I think I would consider 5 gallon buckets next time around. I will give me more flexability moving them around. If cost is a factor, you cant beat the bins. A larger res. will also require additional nutes, be prepared to spend additional $$$ on nutes. All in all... My buds are huge, my costs are low... and im happy with my current set up. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Hadn't seen that before. If you're going to buy 3 of them, you could probably just do a DIY version for about 1/2 the cost though. Depends on motivation and money I guess. That type of system will definately suit your needs though.

Oh yeah. If you're looking to grow 5 footers then you should check out M Blaze's grow. He grows these massive trees that yield a 1lb with some lst'ing. Interesting stuff but you need the space and the lighting to be able to do this. Grow link is below.



New Member
Hello! Unless you have a controller, a 5 gal is a slight hassle.

Look at my journal, I grew 3 large plants in a 10 gal and it is too small for my preference! It's working, but I really need to add solution every day or 2 to keep them growing at max capacity. I make pitchers of solution to balance out whatever is still in there because its also a hassle to move the plants, they got a little out of hand.

Where I to do it again I would use a 17 or ~20-gal and keep the plants smaller.


Active Member
Ok so, if I were to go the DIY route and buy 2 18 gallon plants and grow 2 large plants, I would be able to grow larger plants and save some money, and get more yield.

Would I be able to grow 4 large plants with a 600w and get a decent yield?
And for the hydro system, I guess it would be best to get separate pumps for each tub.

Can someone recommend me a good 600w ballast or ballast kit thats not expensive?


New Member
Ok so, if I were to go the DIY route and buy 2 18 gallon plants and grow 2 large plants, I would be able to grow larger plants and save some money, and get more yield.

Would I be able to grow 4 large plants with a 600w and get a decent yield?
And for the hydro system, I guess it would be best to get separate pumps for each tub.

Can someone recommend me a good 600w ballast or ballast kit thats not expensive?

That is overkill but it would allow you a little more freedom from the reservoir changing. Two 18 gals would be perfect for 4 plants in 5+" netcups if you're going for 5ft plants. It would probably be best to arrange them in a square and epoxy the net cups to the reservoir lid. Buy a very sturdy reservoir as well.
How many gallons of water would a 5ft plant need?
I dont think the question u should be asking here is how many gallons of water a 5 foot plant may need?
..I can tell u personally there are all kinds of variations to variations to the answers to ur questions but ill start here...
Exactly what are u trying to achieve?
A plant from seed and a plant from clone will both require different root growth as well as plant growth space requirements.And all this also depends on strain characteristics predominantely. Grow space ur strain is going to require in these different stages of growth..
Next would be Designing ur grow room and understanding ur grow system. Choosing ur light source for ur grow space at all times taking into accord the growth rate ur plants grow in ur system.
Last would be choosing whats best for u in ur actual grow space.If its completely maximizing ur yield potential.. Then there are all kinds of different techniques to choose to do so.
I can tell u by experience that u can easily do 6 plants from seed in an 18 gallon tub.
The trick is VEG time. Maximum 2-3 weeks depending on strain requirements.
But with a 600 Id do 2 tubs this way. From seed given ur specs..

Clones Its simple.
4 plants/sq ft. distributed evenly over the area of ur lid and id suggest using 4 inch pots for maximal space usage on the lids.An 18 gallon lid can fit 12 - 4 inch pots..
U can expect anywhere from 2-3 ounces from seeds done this way or at least a 1 ounce average from clones with no veg..

LOL Alot of these things where not brought up or even talked about in the previous advice although real good..Just thought id expound on it a little thats all.
Hope all this helps.
LOL man... Nobody said u could grow 12 plants from seed in an 18 gallon tub...
But u could easily do 6 vegged for 30 days and expect to harvest close to a pound.
Thats with a 400 watt light...
Like i said theres lots of variables...
And theres lots of ways to manipulate a grow to achieve maximum yield potential..
I would try to stick to 100 watts/sq.ft...
The lid of an 18 gallon tub is nearly 3 sq.ft.
To figure watts/sq.ft. is real simple.
For example 1000 devided by 10= 100watts per sq.ft.
That being said tho.. U could easily do 4 tubs under ur 1k lamp
@ 12 sq.ft of grow space under ur lamp u will be looking at 83 watts/ sq.ft.
It should be real easy to move the little tubs around under that light as well.
Hope this helps.
Im no pro tho.
U may also want to look into doing clones Sog style.


Active Member
I think that this situations is debatable on size get what yah want i would say a 5 gallon resevoir im growing 4 plants in a 1 gallon resevoir so go at it good luck