What size......


Active Member
What size (wattage wise) HPS would I need for 2 plants? I don't want to use CFL's for flowering because I've been reading that HPS gives better buds so I'll only use the CFL's for vegging.

Any help at all is appriciated :D


Well-Known Member
Depends on your grow space and ability to control temps. If your hood is ducted or not will make a difrence. I have used a 600 watt hps on 1 plant from start to finish. I do not have my hood ducted so I lose 1 foot of grow space. It depends on what you can aford and can house.


Active Member
How hot would they get? I can use a fan to keep the temperature down.

What is the lowest wattage HPS light I could use for 2 plants? I just need an answer :D


Well-Known Member
250w is all ya need. Inless your looking to spend months vegging to make a 400 watt up worth it.

Make that a 270w son agro lumatek, youll be a balla.


Well-Known Member
bigger the better if you have the space, money and ventilation, that looks good, just make sure its not a peice of shit used unit.


Well-Known Member
The 250 would work fine.

600s are the most efficient, but have a few draw backs. Tougher to find bulbs, no MH conversions to name 2.

But the 400 is the workhorse of the personal grower.
But as stated the more the merrier.