I'm a first time grower in Tasmania, nearing the end of my hothouse grow. Looking for some feedback/advice on my plant. How far away, what should I be doing etc. I'm a major noob and getting too close now to fuck this up.
Your first indicator that you are starting to get close is when 99% of those white pistils (hairs) have colored and receded. Then you start watching your trichs. 6 ish weeks left.
There’s a white fly in the first pic. I would be dealing with that ASAP if I were you. Oh wow ant a aphid just below it. Better get em now. Is this out doors??
If it’s a closed space you need to introduce some predators. (Lady bugs) will kill the crawlers and sticky traps will help with the flies. If you get lady bugs don’t release em all at once or you will be wasting your money. They don’t congregate together. Think about it you don’t usually see em together unless it’s breeding time. So ten or twenty should be fine. Release another ten every few days just to keep the numbers right. (As you will have escapees) good luck