What stage is this?


Active Member
Need some thinking juice....

This female has ben growing sence the middle of November. Its ben 4months and she is 11. 1/2inc tall.

This is the first plant iv ever even seen in real life. I have no idea if im doing it the rite way but it looks good to me. Does it?
Iv researched both indoor and outdoor plant on the internet and iv tryed to mix them into what works for me and is still ok to the plant. (on what iv read and have seen).

Germinated: (beeker with toilet paper)
Home made compost: (dirt, sand, veg & fruit scraps; lots, pee, dead leaves, yard trims).
Planted in 12inc. by 12inc. pot., compost soil, water'ed every other day: quarter of a 2letter bottle of water. Never did the 12hours dark 12 hours of light thing.
Theres another small plant in there, not "sexed" yet.
Outside all day everyday. If shade covers it i move it into the sun. On cold nights it stays inside. Crazed wind nights, also stays inside.
Fan Leaves: 4big fan leaves have ben cut off, does not seem to have sent it into shock or anything. (i was asked to reserch that topick by my mom befor she did it. i was too late but i reserched it after; most people said it was bad to cut them but some said it was ok?)

This is her 2nd plant but her 1st was tall and skinny. I think this plant is "indica"? Hers i think sativa. I read "indica" is short, stone, chill high? Sativa aka ganja & crippy /better: i forgot but it the $20 a gram weed.

Anyone now if this plant is doing well? Seems kinda short to me?

move to cali. and look me up, ill be under :leaf:Legal Medical Marijuana Pharmace



Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, nice and big main cola

You got any shots of the whole plant?


Well-Known Member
are those 4 pics part of your post or signature?

If the plant is being exposed to 12hrs of light and 12 hrs of darknes, either by the sun (and the sun is only like that in late summer thru fall) or lights or you putting a bag over it for 12 hrs of darkness and keeping it in the light for 12hrs, it is prob vegging if not on this schedule. Thus, you will see no buds.

To make it flower you have to put it on 12 and 12 and keep it there UNINTERRUPTED. If you have light on it for 15 min during the flowering schedule then you are not flowering right, buds will get long and stretch,

I know it is hard to not look at you plants all the time, some times I cheat by opening my grow tent peeking in and then zipping it back up. Or by taking a pic, but good rule of thumb is not to let ANY light ever hit the plants in the dark cycle. If you have to look at them install a GREEN light, the plants cant see the green light, they cant use it at all and it doesnt effect them because of the spectrum they use.

So I think you plant is in Veg mode for sure. The pics on the bottom of your post are flowering tho so im confused


Active Member
New shots. ;-)

Pictures of the plant.
From what i can tell there are buds? Thats what all them white hairs are growing from rite?

There is atleast 10hours of day light hear in Florida. Not 12hours but i think there are already buds?

Whats veg and flowering? In simple terms?

"Po"..? Potent? How might i fix that?



Well-Known Member
New shots. ;-)

Pictures of the plant.
From what i can tell there are buds? Thats what all them white hairs are growing from rite?

There is atleast 10hours of day light hear in Florida. Not 12hours but i think there are already buds?

Whats veg and flowering? In simple terms?

"Po"..? Potent? How might i fix that?

Haha you use PEE