WOW! i'm copying and pasting that reply in case i need evidence that the market is indeed unfair to those of us who want absolutely NOTHING at all to do with getting stoned, even though when you argue it 100 different ways with facts, cash crappers who don't like you INDIRECTLY calling them greedy bastids (because they're part of the same CONSPIRACY of growers who'll ONLY grow indicas & nothing else) will declare you an enemy & seek butt buddies to troll & harass you & obscure the facts.
one of the ways i've tried to prove my point is by bringing up how indicas made me stop talking to a cousin i grew up just down the road from after he got indignant and threatened me because he didn't like my opinion of the "sticky bud" he was so proud of or my stating i ONLY like to get high WHEN ASKED because he really though
"ALL WEED IS EXACTLY THE SAME!" because in many parts of NY, it is. that was my FACT that in many places you just cannot get high ever, and trust me, i've looked for over 20 years there and it NEVER happened with well over a dozen cash crapper dealers who probably all get their gear from the same FACTORY somewhere in canada. the troll answer to that...
"you just don't know the right people." which drives me fucking batshit because they're totally missing the fucking point! if zero out of 20 plus dealers ALL have nothing but indicrap, that's BULLSHIT in the extreme!
it shouldn't be up to me to beg & plead with every person i meet to find gear that gets me high, it's should be on the growers & dealers to give me what the fuck i DEMAND!!! speaking of begging & pleading, i LITERALLY begged the dude that tossed me a gram of durban poison to sell me a quarter of the kali mist he tossed me another time and gave up bidding on it at $120 for a fucking EIGHTH! that's an insane price and even then, i wasn't able to buy it. that, too, is bullshit!
one of my goals with growing way back when i started studying it in the mid 80s the second columbian gold vanished and afghanicrap took over was to GIVE my excess away to remind people they're getting ripped off on inferior crap & start demanding better. gold was $40 a quarter, then *boom* a year later "red hair" was $50 an eighth & it didn't get you fucking high at all. the first time i scored it, i got two different buds totaling probably 3 gtrams for the $8 i had in my pocket and was still super pissed off. over the years of seeing nothing but that shit, my contempt has only deepened. no shit, other than the mexican brick $5 & $10 sacks i'd take over ANY indoor i smoked back east, EVERY time i've gotten high it's been FREE but i haven't been able to buy it EVER. you should have seen me begging to give the dude who blazed me out with something really nice top dollar a couple years ago like some kinda crackhead.
then, i've tried arguing my case by doing an informal survey at grasscity where AGAIN, i developed enough afghanicrap troll enemies to get banned for changing my name to this, when one dug up an old post with my old handle and made it look like i was trying to pull a fast one when i publicly announced the name change IMMEDIATELY and asked a mod to delete the old account after being told i couldn't have 2 accounts which wasn't what i wanted to begin with. there i go, angrily digressing again. this is where my attitude gets people to start talking trash DIRECTLY to me, off the topic of weed, and i give them the fuck you.
the point i was making was that i did a survey asking people to rate their preference for getting high with 5 being getting high only and 0 being getting stoned only with 3 in the middle and 2 or 4 being a preference one way or another. the results were a 5% average leaning towards getting high with the majority being somewhere in the center, but something like only 10% wanting nothing to do with getting high and close to 20% wanting nothing to do with getting stoned and in the sake of FAIRNESS, i even spotted the stoners two half points because i KNEW people like to get high. the bottom line was 30-40% of people would rather get high or demand it, but good fucking luck doing that outside of mendocino.
it's just wrong that anyone that wants to get high gets the "fuck you" from greedy bastids like your uppity dealer. i would have told him go
"go fuck yourself bitch! don't ever come 'round here again fucker!" if he tried yelling at me like he did you. i've told deaqlers that just for jerking me around. that's a REALLY good story that i can connect with... VERY dramatic, but the clearest illustration of the problem ever other than the mention i got from a really well connected dealer, i gave the fuck you to for acting flaky of course, who told me that he knew a few cash crappers that bought THEIR gear from dealers in it for the love willing to take the time & energy to grow haze etc. & charge a premium for it. there's just no arguing with fidiots who care more about the fact that they don't like your contempt for indicrap so much that they'll dismiss ANY
FACTS you bring to the table. you can't say the indicrap infestation isn't rooted entirely in greed when dealers out there won't even smoke their OWN motherfucking schwag beaters and STEAL money from us so they can get fucking high. oh that shit just drives me nuts!
if you ever run into ME in the real world, i'll fucking GIVE you whatever i have in my pocket as long as i have a stash at home! i'll be growing entirely for love and have the motherfucking PRIDE in my gear i just want to see make others smile. damn fucking straight my shit's the best you ever fucking smoked! now go tell your dealer what a douchebag asshole he is for me, eh? LOL
i'll feel really bad though if i'm about to run out and someone begs ME to buy some weight. then i WILL have to get greedy & KEEP my head stash. hopefully though, i'll be able to grow more than i can smoke, and i don't plan on selling ANYTHING so my gear shouldn't vanish much faster than i can smoke it at maybe 2 grams a day top speed.
some of THE BEST weed i actually smoked was a few years ago when an old school hippy grower used to toss us LEAF dirt cheap, like $5 for about an eigth, but it was sooooooo fucking tasty because he used to make his own compost and whatever he was growing wasn't afghani, i can tell you that! it had a nice euphoric TRUE middy buzz that was pretty neutral on energy & it tasted so clean & fresh, like smoking salad. it was about the same as brick really, but much cleaner smoking & a real bargain. dude really loved his plants too.
we need more of THAT & LESS
"gimme! gimme! gimme! so i can drive my pimped out ride to someone who'll get ME high, buh bye!"
my quest for the best (indoors anyways) continues, but i KNOW my high quality seeds, haze skunk, mandala 8 miles high & short stuff super cali haze ALL beat the shit out of EVERYTHING i've bought, including the brick, since around 1987 and take a dump on it. it's just annoying i have to do it myself where i'd really just rather buy it.
Me personally, I'm not a (heavy) indica person - but I have my reasons. Mainly because I have clinically diagnosed neurological problems... I'm sure you know enough at med's as to why sativa's help me better. I had the same issues with my "old" dealer before I became legal. A few times I would get a good sativa and request that he ask for it again. He would yell at me giving me all kinds of shit about how it wasn't that good, and sativas take too long to grow, are stringy with no bag appeal, etc.
I just saved that passage as
Buddy232 getting yelled at by his dealer and am bookmarking this page. it's fucking SAD the almost APOLOGETIC WAY you have to speak of wanting to get high in this fucked up backwards greedy fucking world!
bag appeal my fucking ass! more like PROPAGANDA to make inferior shit sound better for so long everyone's been brainwashed & believes it and has FORGOTTEN what really matters, getting high! EVERY fucking thing advertised to make indicas sound better are the OPPOSITE of bag appeal to me...
- look at how sticky this is!
(yeah... but does it get you fucking high asshole?)
- smell that! really skunky? huh?
(it smells like a dead skunk's ass... so what?! does it get you fucking high?)
- feel how hard that rock nugget is!
(fuck that! i can't even break this shit apart with my fingers! how the fuck and i supposed to smoke it fucker?!)
- look! red hairs!
(yeah... fucking novel... but it doesn't get me high your greedy motherfucking piece of shit!)
indica became my mortal enemy when it killed my beloved columbian gold and overnight more than doubled in price. i'll never forgive that shit for charging me twice the price for shit that in no fucking way, shape or form, does anything but make me tired and depressed.
i'm an asshole