federal reserve just put the US tax payer on the hook for another half trillion...LOL..this just gets better all the time..

now you see why governments deflate their currency.
they never have to pay off their debts. or rather, by the time the debt would come due, the amount being repaid only buys a fraction of goods and services it did when the loan was issued.
That isnt exactly true. China is our largest investor, and they would be much better off without us. Why does the world need us? they dont.
thats just the do we finance it....we dont! We pay our IOUs by selling more IOUs.Then why is China's economic growth slowing? Many people believed, professional economists as well, in the theory of "de-coupling" This theory basically states that because the emerging markets had grown so much, that they could now support themselves organically, and thus, became less and less dependent on U.S. consumption. There will come a day when this is true, but it hasn't happened yet.
As far as your analogy.........its folly.
If the world didn't benefit from our "excessive consumption" China wouldn't be what it is today....China's growth is 100% because of us. Just 30 years ago, they were little better than N. Korea is now. We wouldn't have latinos pouring into this country like a water taking over a levee. The only problem with our "excessive consumption" is how we finance it....Anytime your cash-flow can't finance your debt it's just a matter of time.
thats just the do we finance it....we dont! We pay our IOUs by selling more IOUs. is sickening to finance a government so out of control...its like paying for your own ass rape...i hate paying tax to them..its like giving money to adolph hitler..not only do i not like paying them anymore than i have to..i believe it is my civic duty to not pay them any more than i have to...the stand against everything the constitution stands for...Did anyone notice that when China had that big earthquake they were asking other countries to donate tents. Tents are made in China, why didn't they take a truck to the tent factory instead?
I'm feeling the need to stop paying taxes all together. Anyone else feel that way?
Did anyone notice that when China had that big earthquake they were asking other countries to donate tents. Tents are made in China, why didn't they take a truck to the tent factory instead?
I'm feeling the need to stop paying taxes all together. Anyone else feel that way?
Welcome to the club, Miss ...
I think you should quit paying then, simple solution, just quit. Don't worry, I'll be fine without your donations.Welcome to the club, Miss ...