What the heck is goin on?

Medium info:

40% cocotek brick, 60% FFoF

Nutrient Info:

Rabbit Hill Farms Organic "Big Bud Blooms" 6-8-4


I was under the assumption I could not over fert by coating the topsoil with this type of organic nutrient. They started 12/12 1 week ago, applied this nutriet to top soil 3 days ago.

Now my plants have this:

It's on about 50-60% of old growth but the new growth is showing absolutely no signs of stress at all.

The lone wolf in me says they'll be fine, don't worry about it. But the Father in me is asking for help so this grow that I'm relying on to move my family doesn't keel over. All suggestions welcome, Rep for everyone.
Other possible problems:
My Ballast went out and I'm limping along on CFL's till the new one gets here.
They have a fan on high directly on them, I beat them up pretty bad because they are high yield strains and I didn't want to have to tie them up for heavy buds.
I've spilled a fair amount of stuff on them. I didn't have ventilation I was happy with at start so I did sheet rock work/insulation work that inevitably got onto them- maybe this is the residual effects of that?
They look burnt. But that the new growth looks good is a good sign. I don't understand the theory of avoiding nute burn by applying a top dressing. Where did ya find that info?
well i dont know anything about a rtop dressing but i definately know that you plants have nute burn i would flush them wait a while then start them back quarter strenth,....then half strenth,...then keep them at half strenth,....also id check my water p.h and ppms...good luck
Ok so I"m thinking the Fox Farm is just a bit too hot for these guys(They've shown minor problems like this before I added the rabbit hill)l- and am Hoping the Rabbit Hill Farms stuff does not need to be flushed because there's really no way for me to do it that wouldn't: 1) wash away all my dirt or 2) water even more of the mixture down into my dirt. The reason I thought the rabbit manure top seasoning wouldn't burn them is because I've seen pot plants growing in nearly 100% horse manure. Perhaps I'm over simplifying things.

I've never used nutes before, usually just grow in Fox Farm and Perlite so I'm kinda just winging this grow. It appears I've learned my lesson: stick to what you know. Shoulda stayed with 50/50 ffof and perlite so I could quit second guessing my soil and I'll stay way from using nutes ever again >.<
I couldn't believe it, and most others would not believe it from my pics either--

BUT... Its not nute burn! Just so happens my plant farther from my fan had little to none of this going on.

So last night I move it to close by the fan, and WAMMO, has a couple scars this morning.

What do I even call this? Wind burn? lol.

Lesson: Plants need circulation, not a fan on high right on top of them. It appears heavy winds put micro-rips in the leaves that then dry out causing this spotting. Truly unbelievable that all I need to stop this problem was push "2" on the fan.

Windburn~ a new one for me lol.
wow u taught me something

yeah the real clue was that this wasn't happening along leaf veins or edges- it was the weaker parts of the leaf that was having issues.

I wouldn't have guessed windburn either, as my dad was always adamant about needing to "get a fan on em!" so I always thought the more the better. Guess not lol.