What The Heck Is This?

Hi. I'm growing my first plant in the closet, it's called the 60 day wonder. The seed I bought was feminized. At every spot where there are new leaves coming, there are a bunch of white hairs. But there is something different at the very bottom 2 leaves that came out, it's a small yellow sack, approx. 1 CM in size. It's like a little yellow ball elongated a bit. Can anyone tell me first if this plant is female, and secondly ..what the heck is this little ball at the bottom two leaves? Thank you for your help.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got yourself a hermi.

Sometimes those femmed seeds seem to like to do that a little more than untreated seeds.

I'm not sure the reason, but I'm sure that someone on here could give you a very detailed reason for it.

A photo would help us help you a bit better though.
Sounds like you got yourself a hermi.

Sometimes those femmed seeds seem to like to do that a little more than untreated seeds.

I'm not sure the reason, but I'm sure that someone on here could give you a very detailed reason for it.

A photo would help us help you a bit better though.
I've got my camera battery charging, I'll try to post a picture a little later. Soooo should I cut this yellow "flower" looking thing off? Is this going to ruin all my buds now,by fertalizing itself? THanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this sounds like a HERMIE.

Those little yellow sacks will have small yellow banana looking things in. these are the male flowers that can carry the pollen and pollenate your buds.

YES THIS IS BAD and risks pollenating any other plant you have in the closet.

The reason this happens with Fem'd seeds is that the mother plant is usually put under some kind of stress to get it to turn HERMIE.

Once the male bananas have grown from the otherwise female plant they then use these pollen sacks or bananas to pollenate other female plants which makes all the seeds feminized due to their being no male chromasome (SP) present . However although these seeds are feminized they have a higher risk of turning hermie due to the stress the original mother plant went through in order to generate the male bananas to produce the feminized seeds.

If you are seeing these bananas or pollen sacks early then the chances are that they are going to continue to get worse rather than better.

If it is your only plant you could try cutting them off everytime they appear and hope you dont put the plant under too much stress.

If it is your only plant the smoke you get from it will still be ok. It wont be great it may have a decrease of around 40-60% of the strength it would have been if it did not hermie.

If it is one of many plants then get rid before it pollenates everything in the room.

Something you may also want to consider is making sure you have no light leaks in your room.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for all the input people. There is only one yellow pod that hasn't opened up yet, so I'll cut it off and hope that no more grow! What is the worst case out of this, the buds will fill with seeds, and take away from the THC amount?
Thank you again.