What. The. HECK! is this.

hey guys, got a pretty weird looking plant here. Wondering if yous could help me out on getting a little info about it!?
New on here so im glad to be part of the rollitup community!
here she is:


Well-Known Member
i need a better pic. i cant see the whole stalk and such.

from over here it looks similar to my strawberry cough but way stretchy.


Well-Known Member
healthy but stetched like a mofo, leaves are ok there are a lot of varieties in leaf formation for mj

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
The newer growth has more segmented leaves so I think it will just grow the same as your other plants.
They are looking a bit leggy, but that could be because you are growing in a semi-shaded position.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't look like any of the Strawberry cough I've grown... looks more like sharksbreath, or pineapple chunk with the 3 bladed leaves to me.. not to say there aren't more strains that have 3 leaves, but I am pretty sure my cough all had 5 from the start(first set of true leaves on)


Well-Known Member
your right, mine all have five fingers also...i was refering to the structure though. also my strawberry cough did something strange, it didnt root for about two months but it stayed a healthy clone and when it finally rooted it didnt grow really for about 2 more weeks. i almost threw it away on many occasions.

btw, my burmese kush is all three bladed leaf.


Well-Known Member
I'm just putting another vote in for "needs more light", because that thing is certainly stretching for it. :wink: