What the Hell is this and why??


Well-Known Member
I think its the world famous white fly.. do i need to be worried about this asshole and how do i get rid of him. i mean i already smashed the fucker... i have a sticky trap in my area. but i found it, just sitting on a leaf




Well-Known Member
LOL nice plant. I would kill that and check for more. Spray your plants leaves with mist. On top and under.


Well-Known Member
not a white fly, white flys are tiny like the head of a pin and you wouldn't find 1 you would find like 100's and they are pure white


Well-Known Member
I normally suggest ladybugs for a good insect control , but that thing is like bigger then a lady bug so I dunno gl with em.


Well-Known Member
i just check the girl and they seem fine. ive got a lot of dead gnats. im going to transplant these and slide them into the flowering room on wed. thinking about putting a top layer of sand to prevent these assholes


Well-Known Member
stupid gay baby grasshopper... killed it as soon as i saw it. where would it have come from. im no where near any grass.... well you know what i mean


Well-Known Member
stupid gay baby grasshopper... killed it as soon as i saw it. where would it have come from. im no where near any grass.... well you know what i mean
them bastard always seem to find their way around.

aphid= bad. good luck with that man.