What The Hellz


i just checked the runoff of my coco as i PH my nutes to 5.7. the runoff is 6.56 my leaves are cupping under and the edges are pointing up. im thinking i have lockout from high PH. im going to recalibrate my combo pen just to make sure and then recheck. any of this make sense? also if i do have to flush to bring down the PH should i use RO with some canna A n B at a very low dose? TY john


Active Member
Make sure to get your pH back on track before adding any nutes - if your pH is indeed off, then there's already a lockout and adding more nutes is just going to add fuel to the flames, so to speak. Do you think you could provide pics or more info.? At this point, that doesn't sound like too much damage, but I'd worry if it worsens.


Well-Known Member
I would flush with plain water too checking the ph & ppm of the first cup or two of run off:lol:I had ph meter go bad thats to is a possibility:lol:Replaced it with a Oakton ph tester 2 bongsmilie


ok so after calibrating my meter it was good. so i picked the brain at the local grow shop. ive been adding ca/mag with every feeding with RO about 200ppm.1/2Tsp per gal for every feeding. im thinking thats the problem.cal toxicity?? i read that high levels of cal will lock out other nutes causing leaf curl and deformity at high toxicity. at this point my PH runoff has got down to 6.2 after flushing. girls are on nap right now so im gonna flush after they wake up and refeed them RO and what ever the canna calculator says. something like 10ml of A n B 8 rhiz and 10 canazyme. that will put me at 670ppm. and hopefully after the flush and feed they will stop what they are doing. any sugestions or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks John


Well-Known Member
You have the ph wrong in nutes at 5.7 .The 6.5 reading is what you want in soil.


Active Member
ph in at 5.7, run off 6.5. that means your medium is around 7 range... flush and start over... rhizo will raise your ph tremendously


so how do i keep it PH down? ive been feeding 660ppm and PH the solution to 5.7 every time. cant seem to keep the PH down. what gives?


heres what ive done. i just flushed my plants in coco. the ph was nearly 7 and was having some bad signs on the leafs. these plants are month old from seed and have been feeding canna nutes at 650PPM. plants are bushy and about 10-12" tall. at this point, would it be ok when the pot gets about half weight to restart nutes at 650? im having a hard time keeping these plants happy. PH wants to rise on me and i PH to 5.7 for every feed. i also let the mix stabalize then rePH and feed and get runnoff 10 to 20%. i took coco sample with ro water like canna says to get the real PH and they now sit at about 6ph. why is the PH climbing on me and not staying stable? i was giving them RO + calmag up to about 200PPM then adding nutes like canna chart 650PPM AnB rhiz and canazym. at the end and PH to 6.5. i wander if giving them camag every feeding was the problem? air temp humidity stays pretty solid hum at 50-65% and temps nvr above 85deg and no lower than 70deg im vegn with T5 4' 6 bulb lamp with should be sufficient for 6 plants. any help here as to whats going on would be greatly appreciated. TY Johnbs8


Active Member
What sort of bad signs??? What does the damage look like?

If you have too much calcium, could be something related to this, and would following this damage pattern:

Too much Calcium will lead to other micronutrient deficiencies. Calcium fixation is caused by many types of mediums such as: clay soils, unbuffered coco and humus. The lime tends to bond to these soils very easily. The stems of the plant will not be able to hold the plant up and will exhibit a white brown in between the veins of the leaves when having too much calcium. Also having to much potassium and or nitrogen will cause a calcium lockout.
From icmag


Active Member
It's difficult to answer yours until you answer ours. ;) Without seeing the damage, or you ever describing it adequately, it could be attributed to many, many things. I'd say, though, that 650ppm for vegging should be perfectly fine, as if I recall correctly you said they're one month from seed. If we saw, however, that the damage was from an excess... I hope you get the point


Active Member
The bowed under leaves in the last pic look almost like overwatering, but all I see in the first is a happy plant - they're definitely, definitely not calcium deficient, if you were wondering. Looks like, potentially, as you thought, calcium toxicity, especially those white spots. Those leaves on the bottom, when the damage started, was it yellow at first, perhaps along the edges, some patches on the leaves? Did it then brown? Too much calcium inhibits the uptake of potassium, so if you dial down the calcium (not add more potassium, I'm sure you're fine there), the plant should be able to feed normally. Calcium is best absorbed at higher pHs, as well, so it's not surprising that your plants haven't had trouble with Ca.


ok ok so yes i was thinking toxicity of calcium. just dont understand why my PH is rising so high. i always PH to 5.7 and get 10-20% runnoff. maybe the CaMag was the cause for it all? anyways at this pointe i need to keep the PH down. when can i resume normal feeding? when they need feed, can i go back to 650ppm with no camag lol or should i bring them back up slowly? any tips would be greatly appreciated. when i feed what kind of PPM should i be seeing in my runnoff if feeding 650ppm? and also what should my PH look like at runnoff? Thanks for all the help and any tips would be greatly appreciated. TY Johnbs8


Active Member
dont be the type of guy who hovers over his plants every 25 seconds and wonders why it has grown a foot today. your plants will let you know when something is wrong. yours look fine, maybe showing some signs of an over accumulation of salts.

im a soil grower and your hydro but heres whats happening in your case, your plants are using more of certain nutrient and leaving the more alkaline nutient ( also can happen with acidic nutes as well ) thus you have the alteration in ph.
find out which nutes they are taking in more of and leaving behind and you will have a very happy plant.
they also use water and will raise your concentration of salts so beware of over fertilizing to compensate for the "calcium def."