What to do AFTER the clones go into the clone dome?


Active Member
Hi all, thanks in advance.

DAY -1 - I made my cuts, used clone-x on them, put the cuts in soaked jiffy pots, put the pots/clones into the clone dome, sprayed/misted the inner top of the dome, and put the dome under my T-5. The T-5 is about 10 inches from the top of the clone dome. My grow tent is a steady 72 degrees and 40% humidity. I have my out take fan on, but no regular fan or intake fan on. So far so good on day 3 with no wilting or ugliness of any kind. As we know, that could change so I want to prevent anything bad happening. Is there anything I'm NOT doing that I should be? Also,

1. Should I be using a fan besides the out take?

2. Both little openings at the top of the dome have been closed for the first two days. Today is day 3. Do I open the vents all the way? Half way? Not at all? Do I EVER open the vents or just leave them closed?

3. Do I ever spray the dome or the clones or the pots with PH'd water during the cloning process?

4. Do I even need the dome after a certain period of time?

5. How long does it take in general for me to see roots? a week? Two weeks?

6. What other things am I not even thinking about that will help my clones kick some ass?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
You don't need the fan if temps and humidity are good.
Open your vents about half way and wait an hour to see if your cuttings wilt. If they do, close the vent and wait a couple days.
Best to spray the dome once and leave it until you see that it needs another spray. Water doesn't necessarily need to be pH'd.
After 6 or 7 days you can remove the dome and see if they wilt.
Roots generally appear in 6-14 days ime.
If you can bring up the temperature of the "root" zone above ambient air temperature that will help but I don't personally use that protocol. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Watch for powder mold and fuzzy molds. spray with peroxide and water. 1 cap full of peroxide the rest water in a spray bottle. Using cloning gel.... the survivors will be ready in a couple weeks. I have a heat mat under my cloner with a timer, on-off every other hour.