What to do for the floor?


Active Member
So got my room almost all put together and now I forgot about the floor. What should I use to keep my plants off the ground? Nothing too expenisive DIY if possible. Ty!

Lady luck

I use a portable folding table like you can get at any home improvement store. It keeps my plants waist high and is easy to move and it makes it easy to work with your plants.


Well-Known Member
I use different size Tupperware trays. Or the short plastic bins that are for storing things under a bed. I can fit 3 5gallon smart pots in those,and they have wheels. Go to big lots or a similar store. Basically any kind of plastic tray.

little butch

Active Member
Try pallets....dirt cheap & off the floor. Any place that sells flower pots will have the flimsy see through trays that you can set your buckets in, or go to an appliance store and get a couple washing machine plastic trays, each will hold 4- 5 gal buckets. Pallets also give you room to run all your hoses etc. a level below the plants, for a tidier grow surface. Peace & be kind


Well-Known Member
tables are the way to go, i prefer diy tables i m not paying lots for a growing table. if you have basic tools, you can easily setup a diy table. for flowering, i use 8" cement bricks one vertical and one horizontal for each pole raises my table 20". for clones and mother plants i build a little cupboard closet 2' or so high over it i place mothers and clones

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Milk crates, Cinder blocks, plastic folding tables are nice. You can get pallets lots of places. I used to have a few plastic pallets. Wish I still did.

You could try a sheet of pink foam board insulation too. Should keep the cold concrete from chilling your roots.


Do you mean the floor floor? Around here we have Lowes and Home Depot. They have this great tongue and groove 2'x2' square subfloor . Wood with plastic feet on the bottom to keep it up off the floor and allow airflow under that subfloor. Not sure what your trying to do but i've used these in other parts of my basement and like it.