what to do if plant starts to die HELP


Active Member
all the new growth on my plant is wilted and getting a brown tint to it

i used organic insect, mite, and fungi spray on it and it had a bad reaction to it

all the bigger leaves look healthy but all the new small growth looks like it is dying

what can i do to save her?! i need help!


Well-Known Member
Wash off the leaves is all you can do mate.

Plants such as cannabis with low isomer content (carbon wax to the leaves) absorb the chemicals quickly which can burn the plants.

Sorry to hear this mate. Do you have a photo or two to help see where she is at?


Active Member
ive washed off the leaves but i think the damage to the new growth is already done... what should i do about the browned leaves.... a good portion id say 85-90% of the plant is ok jus the new growth is all wilted and brown..

should i clip them off or just give it time and it will heal itself?

thanks for the help