What To Do To Curve Bordem?...


Active Member
During my grows I get to certain points of extreme boredom and, I honestly feel that boredom causes people to do alot of dumb things to their plant trying to find something to do, so to stop this Crime against the Pine, I am starting this to give people ideas of things they can do to occupy they time. Please leave a comment of things you do to past time, and if you want tell us what boredom has caused to do to your plant.

I pass time looking up other people grows, and harvest. Reading Forums.
Boredom has caused me to cut a plant in half :dunce:trying to clip big fan leaves which I could have left them well enough alone.:wall:
Watch films about drugs

American Drug War
The Union
Leaves of Grass
How Weed Won The West
Cocaine Cowboys 1 & 2
Square Grouper (Billy Corben is a badass Director)
Dazed & Confused
The Stoned Age


I go to work. Plants grow best when you don't screw with them.

And when I'm home, I watch TV.
HAHAHAHAHAHA... You really think the guy who posted this is capable of working?

First, he posts a thread to get suggestions on how to curve boredom. Then he can't spell boredom. And he is too agitated and unfocused to leave his plants alone long enough not to screw them up.

If one is that bored, one's house, growroom, garage, etc must be spanking clean and fixed up to the last little detail. One must not have any elder family to take care of or simply keep company... even older neighbors that need a hand... or local food bank, soup kitchen or even animal shelters that could use some help. Shovel some snow if one lives up North or plant a real garden if down South. Read books about growing, share interesting findings...

If still bored after doing all of this, one should be able to find a job and contribute to society...


Well-Known Member
Watch films about drugs

American Drug War
The Union
Leaves of Grass
How Weed Won The West
Cocaine Cowboys 1 & 2
Square Grouper (Billy Corben is a badass Director)
Dazed & Confused
The Stoned Age
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Super Troopers
Requim for a Dream
The Trailer Park Boys , Countdown to Liquor Day (seiously , you have to check out the trailer park boys. there are lots,but watch the movie!!!! their shows are good too but the movies are the CHIT!!!!)


Active Member
HAHAHAHAHAHA... You really think the guy who posted this is capable of working?

First, he posts a thread to get suggestions on how to curve boredom. Then he can't spell boredom. And he is too agitated and unfocused to leave his plants alone long enough not to screw them up.

If one is that bored, one's house, growroom, garage, etc must be spanking clean and fixed up to the last little detail. One must not have any elder family to take care of or simply keep company... even older neighbors that need a hand... or local food bank, soup kitchen or even animal shelters that could use some help. Shovel some snow if one lives up North or plant a real garden if down South. Read books about growing, share interesting findings...

If still bored after doing all of this, one should be able to find a job and contribute to society...
First of all I have 2 jobs, and just because I spelled a word incorrectly your going to belittle me over that. Get out out of this post you narrow minded idiot, and me messing with my plant was on my first grow, you act as if you never made one mistake with your plants, dont take life so serious just because people are not doing the same thing you are doing doesn't make you better than anyone here or nowhere, now go shovel snow, or teach english you jerk.


Active Member
I have been working on flying in my spare time. Flying isnt the hard part people, its staying up there that is.