What to do when you break a limb

At one time or another we all may encounter the panic of a broken limb or even a main stem being broken off for any number of humiliating circumstances. I am fairly accident prone... okay, truth be told, I'm a klutz; just ask my wife.

My first grow, (through various oopsies that led to extended bouts of loud and profuse spouting of obscenities) I encountered this seemingly detrimental experience.

Upon my first "oops" (and fit of self indigence), I had made an overdue trip to my local hydro store for some other purpose and mentioned I had a light fall earlier in the day and it had broken several limbs off one of my prize plants. A patron and one of the employees (note that I never mentioned the type of plant), chimed in in unison and said, "tape it". I seriously doubted what I had just heard held and ounce of validity and asked for clarification; to find that my ears had not deceived me.

So, upon returning home, I proceeded to tape the broken limbs back onto the plant.

Much to my amazement the limbs eventually grafted themselves back to the plants (accept one) and they all survived.

I have found this tidbit of information to come in rather handy; considering my formerly mentioned klutziness.

Perhaps it will be useful to those that happen to read this one day.



Active Member
:) I taped mine yesterday and took some clones off the top. All I had was white duct tape, and it seems like it should hold. Should I keep the tape on for at least a week? maybe more time? I will toss up some update pics after my lady heals
All I had was scotch tape at the time I broke the limbs (couple of months ago) and it's still there, lol. I was inspired to create this thread when I recently performed the same technique on a plant that the main stem broke from bud weight.

That being said, I found that it's best to leave it and let the plant decide. Once it's vigor is restored and back to normal, wait a week or so to be safe; if you're inclined to remove it.