What to do with a plant that’s to tall?


Active Member
Hello all.

I have been lurking around here since we started our grow. I would love to thank videoman40 for his inspiring and fantastic first grow diary, Widow Maker, nongreenthumb and all you other, great growers and tokers, for all that I have learned.

We are on day 34 of the grow, and have been flowering for 6 days. We have Ice, Crystal, Blue Moon Shine, Ice Cream and unknown strain (there was purple some where in the name) from a shop in Amsterdam that where meant to be a dwarf strain but quite obviously not.

So far we have made all the newbie mistakes, too much fertilizer, broken stem, too many plants for the space, starting flowering to late, growing to many different strains at one time, and I’m sure many others that I’m still ignorant about.

We are using a 400 HPS bulb, Biobizz nutrients; Bio-Grow for the veg. period. and Bio-Bloom and Top Max for the last few waterings.

And now for the stupid question:

Two of our plants took off like rockets, leading to one of them being baptized Miss Happyface. Well these two are now getting dangerously too tall for the grow room. Other than killing them, giving them away to a friend or moving them outside (all options that fill me with dread) what can we do?

Can you chop off the top of the plant, obviously reducing the harvest immensely?

Could I chop off the top and try and root it? I think that the root system would not support the plant but I’m looking for any possibility here.

Any other ideas, contributions, comments are seriously welcomed.

Thanks, picchi.

Oh and while I’m here:
1. why must you go to the bathroom in pairs?
To talk about you, powder our noses, not get lost (I’m blond inside and out)
2. if asked if you look fat, whats the right answer?

Do not think, do not contemplate the “right” response. An immediate knee jerk response of “No darling you look great” is the way to go. Mostly honestly is the best policy but not to many chicks want to know the truth, on this one. Think of the response you would like to hear about your package, it’s more or less on the same level.
3. why is it you cannot kill your own damn bugs?

This is a little alien to me, but we all like to have a man protect us and be a Manly Man.
4. why shave your eyebrows off and then paint them on?

Oh, I don’t know. The only “girls” I know who do that where not born as girls…
5. is having boobs as much fun as we think?

YES, most definitively
6. can we have sex?

I believe you are married…
7. why the fuck not ?

Geographical problems, oh and my partner is sitting right next to me.
8. when you ask how many women we have been with... what’s the right answer?

I chose the don’t ask don’t tell route, but if that’s not a possibility find out her shameful number and adjust accordingly
9. which is the real myth: female orgasm or female intuition?

I have both but as a rule of thumb, the first
10. see number 6




Well-Known Member
you should have topped when the plant was half the size of the grow room cause when they flower they get twice the size but since you are already flowering you could try tieing them down slowly or you'll break the stems. the plants look good and healthy but you need to move the light closer to the plants you want to get the light to all the bud sites....ive typed this thing like 5 times cause i keep clicking on the pics then it erases what i type...im stoned

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Coupla things/possibilities....

bare bulb/no reflector? Not that it's a problem here..just trying to make sense from the pic. Dat fucker is bright...

1. It may/may not stretch that much more....if it does and you think it's a problem..."LST" (low stress training) it...meaning..bend it over gently and make it grow sideways under the light. The buds/small branches will react and will grow towards the light/get more light than in a vert position.

2. chop it. 6 days into flower isn't too late. it'lll branch and make 2 smaller buds that will weigh the same as a light starved main cola would.

3. let it go. It's an experiment

improvements for your room...

paint it flat white for reflectivity..get some mylar...etc.

figure out a way to cut a hole/mount that fan now sitting on the floor on the side of the box up by the light....sucking the hot air out. Keep in mind you should have TOTAL darkness in this box for flower. TOTAL.

prolly enough babblin for now. Damn cappucinno and bubble hash...LOL

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
Thank you all…

you should have topped when the plant was half the size of the grow room cause when they flower they get twice the size
Hindsight is a great thing but my inexperience and general fear of killing them stopped me

since you are already flowering you could try tieing them down slowly or you'll break the stems.
Sounds like a plan, I’ve just stared looking in to threads on it and it looks like a real possibility
the plants look good and healthy but you need to move the light closer to the plants you want to get the light to all the bud sites
yep probably
ive typed this thing like 5 times cause i keep clicking on the pics then it erases what i type...im stoned

beenthere donethat
Coupla things/possibilities....

bare bulb/no reflector?
We have a reflector but the bulb is bare, what problems could this cause?
Not that it's a problem here..just trying to make sense from the pic. Dat fucker is bright...hehehehe

1. It may/may not stretch that much more....if it does and you think it's a problem..."LST" (low stress training) it...meaning..bend it over gently and make it grow sideways under the light. The buds/small branches will react and will grow towards the light/get more light than in a vert position.
[FONT=&quot]I think this idea is a great one. And I will most probably try it on one of the tall girls (I like to dream).

2. chop it. 6 days into flower isn't too late. it'lll branch and make 2 smaller buds that will weigh the same as a light starved main cola would.
That is great, I think I will do this most definitely. The tall ones are about one meter tall; as in the last 6 days they have grown around 15 to 20 cm so I think the stretch is still in full force. Thank you so much for this reassurance

3. let it go. It's an experiment
I’m just hoping they don’t catch fire:mrgreen:

improvements for your room...

paint it flat white for reflectivity..get some mylar...etc.
I live in Italy and I have never seen mylar… so I think we will end up painting it white

figure out a way to cut a hole/mount that fan now sitting on the floor on the side of the box up by the light....sucking the hot air out. Keep in mind you should have TOTAL darkness in this box for flower. TOTAL.
We already put in a small fan that sucks hot air out by pulling cool air in from the outside but we have not yet needed it (it's not in the pic as it's on the side of the grow box). The babies are in complete darkness (blackness) as they are in a room in a room. The average temp is 26 C

prolly enough babblin for now. Damn cappucinno and bubble hash...LOL
Your “babbling” (I would say astute information), is great and very informative, thanks once more.

[/FONT] Thanks again for all the help. Any other ideas and/or possibilities would be great.



beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Re what I said here..

2. chop it. 6 days into flower isn't too late. it'lll branch and make 2 smaller buds that will weigh the same as a light starved main cola would.

Chop the main stem right above a new budsite/where the leaves come out.
This is where the 2 buds will form. The remainder of the growth shoots on the plant should fight it out for supremacy and will all form nice nugs. What you want is an even canopy if possible...all tops getting about the same amount of light. If you have to...prop the shorter plants up on something to get them even with the taller ones and let it rip. A fan blowing between the tops and the light...blasting cooler air from a source outside the box will help keep it cooler and allow you to get the light as close as possible to the plant tops.

good luck.

bt dt