what to do with all that trim


Well-Known Member
i spent the day making butter and hash. i was running back and forth from the washing machine to the crock pot all day. i'm done and relaxing now. :bigjoint:

i used -

7 ounces of popcorn buds

2 pounds of butter

1/5th of stoli's 100 proof vodka

4 cups of water

i mixed the vodka and trim and let it soak overnight. added the water in the morning and brewed it all for about 7 hours. i put it on "LOW" for an hour then i put it on "WARM" for half and hour to cool slightly. then it gets switched back to "LOW". i do this all day. then i put it all on cheese cloth and rinse with hot water.

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i used 140 pounds of ice. ran 3 cycles. it's crumbled and drying right now. should be around 100 grams once it's dry. :bigjoint:

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Well-Known Member
Right on! Damn... 7oz of popcorn to 2lbs of butter is ultra space cake. I feel like one oz of bud to 1lb of butter is a damn strong combo. I cant even imagine... LOL


Well-Known Member
wow dood, HOLY shit fdd, u r a god amongst stoners, hash.... and butter, all in 1 days werk!!! HOW dO u DO IT!?!



Well-Known Member
ice + trimmings, into washing machine

turned on, then strained throo Bubble bags into ACE trash can......right????


Well-Known Member
so you just put the drain hose into the bags and let it do its thing?
i use the drain hose to pump it all into 5 gallon buckets. then i simply pour it thru the screens. the trim is in a 220 micron "zipper bag", so it's not just floating around loose in there. fill it with ice water, add the zipper bags, run for an 18 minute agitation cycle and pump into buckets when it drains. :bigjoint:

i just peeked at my butter. for some reason it appears to be bright purple. though it's nowhere near hardened. i did have a lot of purple trimmings go into it. the vodka must have washed the color out. :eyesmoke:


i use the drain hose to pump it all into 5 gallon buckets. then i simply pour it thru the screens. the trim is in a 220 micron "zipper bag", so it's not just floating around loose in there. fill it with ice water, add the zipper bags, run for an 18 minute agitation cycle and pump into buckets when it drains. :bigjoint:

i just peeked at my butter. for some reason it appears to be bright purple. though it's nowhere near hardened. i did have a lot of purple trimmings go into it. the vodka must have washed the color out. :eyesmoke:

purple butter???? i wanna see:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well i been usin 12 -15 ozs of dried trim to 5lbs of butter in a crock pot of course.. but i have like 60 lbs of butter in my freezer so im ready to move on to new things.. no prob buyin a washing machine for this just didnt know if there was a exact science or just fresh trim in bag put in ice water in washing machine ran through and strain a couple times.


Well-Known Member
thanks wasnt asking that.. check the posts i was referring to the washing machine hash ..

Ah...lol.. I see. 60lbs of butter in the freezer would make me want to make hash too. All I can think is that 140lbs of ice = a helluva lot of trim.... I cant even imagine processing that much.