I'm just loving this new lingo you Medical MJ people have adopted.... 'overage', 'donation', 'extra'.... call a damn spade a spade.... and just ask how you can go about selling your weed to cover your expenses and make your meds free. That is after all what you are trying to ask in so many 'words'..... Why don't you find an elderly person, maybe someone terminal, and become a caregiver and actually "DONATE" your "PRODUCT"? Hell, I believe that a grower can do with it what they will, including sales on the street if needed, but I hate to see a grower tap dance around the donate lingo... when in actually, they are looking for greenbacks, which is NOT a donation.
Please look up donation, and then quit using the word in your context. You have no intention to 'donate'
I'm a card holder that grows my own in Michigan. I have no desire to become a "care giver" and have more than 12 plants. 12 plants is actually quite generous for one person..I have a small overage every grow. My question is: Does anyone know where I can donate my overage, in return for a small donation to cover my grow expenses? Preferably on the west side of the state? I'd be thrilled with with a no hassle outlet for my "extra"...