what to do with these sacks !!!!!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, just give up on growing, please! You're doing nothing positive for the perception of stoners being dumb arses.


Lol, just give up on growing, please! You're doing nothing positive for the perception of stoners being dumb arses.
my first grow am doing well regardless wat people think culdnt give a dam all i want 2 know is r these sacks that need 2 b removed or left alone i have pulled seed out of sacks 2 c if they were female cylexex

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
my first grow am doing well regardless wat people think culdnt give a dam all i want 2 know is r these sacks that need 2 b removed or left alone i have pulled seed out of sacks 2 c if they were female cylexex
You don't seem to have a lcue as to what youa re doing Every response in thi thread has stated the same thing, those are calyxs, if you don't understand what a calyx is then as i said, you shuld give up growing. What do you think a cannabis bud is made up of? You are indeed doing well, aside from pulling off the female flowrs, but you learly don't have a clue what you're doing with regard to the actual grow.


Well-Known Member
If they are calyxes with a seed in them then your crop is a hermie that pollinated itself.. but to be honest, those look like perfect female calyxes..


ok you r saying they r female cylixex whatever i will get 2 know them in the future I am in the newbie site first grow not100% sure what they r??? so stop growing cuz u said so u can really dooo urself a favour n do it 2 urself. any1 with helpfull advise plz help bcuz i do need it other wise am doing great on my own


Well-Known Member
ok you r saying they r female cylixex whatever i will get 2 know them in the future i am in the newbie site first grow not100% sure what they r??? So stop growing cuz u said so u can really dooo urself a favour n do it 2 urself. Any1 with helpfull advise plz help bcuz i do need it other wise am doing great on my own
people can be real harsh here....just keep growing and learning and you will be alright


Well-Known Member
no worries, mate. those are calyx's. if they had seeds, the plant has hermie'd. again, check for pollen sacks. little balls on stalks, or banana-looking growths, and remove. and that's right......never say quit


If that is 11 weeks of flowering your buds look really small, maybe insufficient lighting and not enough nutrients. Are you growing in soil? If so what kind of soil?


however only the branches i super cropped/snapped have these thingz in the first video?? other branches seem to b ok