What to do with your Bubble Hash TrASH!!!


Dont just pour that water down the sink or toss those trimmings into the trash just yet. After making a few runs of some decent hash I seen that my water had a green tint in it as well. so I decided to take about 1/2 cup of this water and I grabbed the trimming and just tossed it in with some veggy oil. When it was done it was green syrup and smelt like candy. I didnt think it would work at the time cuz I used it already for the hash, but after sinking my teeth into those brownies and pumpkin bread and ended up couch locked for a good 2 hours I knew it worked. So give it a try guys you can also cook it in with butter to make canna butter as well. The veg oil worked didnt try the canna butter, but im sure that would work too cuz you use more water in that process.

How to make canna oil:

get your veg oil, weed trimmings, and no more than 1/2 cup of water or "bubble hash water" might help moreeee...

Cook it all in a pot together on a med. to low temp.

Cook for about 35-45 min or untill you dont see a water texture anymore.
I wait untill it turns back into the veggy oil syrup look.

After this is done just filter this threw a $0.10 coffee filter and then let it cool done and you are then down. Use that veggy oil to make anything you like.