what to do?


my plants have been in a flower stage for 12 - 14 weeks now and still seems like they have about a good month left but i dont have anywhere near a month. thats only if i also had good weather but i dont. i havent seen the sun in about a week even when its clear out.... i can maybe keep outside for another week and a half at the most... what should i do? should i just harvest in about a week and a half or try to go longer? even a week and a half is really pushing it for me since the nights will be from 0 to -4 C at nights and no warmer than 10 C during day
this is an 100% outdoor crop so running extension cords and heaters to my plants is not an option for me like some people have suggested in the past.


Active Member
pics?....not gonna get an answer with no pics...and 14 weeks into flowering...wow!....remind me NOT to get that strain.


strain is unknown all i no about the plant is its an hash plant clone and i have 4 of them i got them all to late from a buddy


Active Member
Wow...they have about 4 more weeks to go. Posibility of transplanting them indoors and putting a HPS over theM?....cold will kill them. Sorry dude.....I think it may be your only option........or cut em and smoke em.... (a huge headache)


ill try grow them as long as i can outside before they cold really gets to them than ill chop them down and dry it all. starting late sucks especially when you have no control over it. relying on ur buddies isnt always the way to go to get you the clones but i cant complain to much for 4 free clones and starting 2 - 3 months late


the way the weather has been the past month its like it stop all growth and yielding of the plants but theres isnt much i can do for them other than just let them grow as much as i can


Well-Known Member
As long as you have no frost stay outside, the plants are done with their vegatative stage but the buds will keep on swelling up, BTW I think there is never a "perfect" harvest/buds, it's always a little bit of a compromise.


so far i had 2 frost hits but at night all my plants are covered. i want to try and get the most out of them this year before winter really hits here... ill probably keep growing till the snow hits


Well-Known Member
Zero without heat. You say they are covered so put some kind of heating device (I use Propane and Mr Heaters in my hoop house) in with them and seal the covering as best you can. Good luck limping them along for 4 more weeks :)


good to no. ill try my best to get a proper heat source where i have my plants. im using one of those car cover tents which is 100% dark inside it even during the day


Well-Known Member
I'm far from an expert, but maybe somebody got confused on the plant you got. I always thought hash plants were short flowering, mostly indica plants that finished way before now. That BC Hash Plant is listed at like 45 days.


I'm far from an expert, but maybe somebody got confused on the plant you got. I always thought hash plants were short flowering, mostly indica plants that finished way before now. That BC Hash Plant is listed at like 45 days.
yes it suppose to have short flowering but when you have nearly 2 months straight of either rain clouds and cold days ( just complete shit weather) it does slow the yielding and growth of the plant. from all the shit weather we have been getting here even days where its been a clear sky and no sun at all, it will slow everything down


i couldnt get a proper heat source where my plants were but they seem to have not been effected that bad from the cold cold night. i forgot to mention above i have 4 plants 3 are in 10 gallon buckets and 1 is planted in the ground. the one in the ground is on the mountain side and has been hit by 2 frosts and this cold -10 c night and seems to toughed it all out


this is the plant that has been hit by 2 frosts and survived the past few nights of -4 to -10 c and more nights below 0 to come from this point on.
how do you guys think shes doing?


I think they look great 420! Keep up the good work. Check out the FROST thread - really good info there. I used a patio umbrella w/ blankets hung from sides (not touching plants), and threw in 5 Snuggle Safes - mine survived several weeks @ about 32 F, and a few nights dipped down to 24 F w/ snow... Good luck:)


i have a half fast teepee i made around the one plant in the ground and seems to work good. the teepee is wrapped in clear 5m poly