what to use as a male


Well-Known Member
i have 4 kush plants started.all are fem seed.i would like to make a few seed from each female .what would be a good strain to cross with them.2 are og #18 and 1 kandy kush and another.never tried getting seed from a fem plant.i heard og #18 is great so i want to make seed as close to female as possible.all help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Cross them with some bag seed males. That will reintroduce some 'wild' genetic stock and keep your offspring 'naturally' healthy.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
and if you want to get something close to your original mother, just keep back crossing her offspring to her. your f1s will be 50% kush, f2s 75% and so on. i like hybrid vigor and all, but in a case, like yours, where you're trying to get a specific type of plant, i don't understand breeding with something different when logic dictates you'd want something as similar as possible. i've never understood trying to preserve a sativa by polluting it with an indica. if you want to stay as close to it as possible, find a DIFFERENT sativa. i'd think the same thingin your case as you're specifically looking for kush traits. you might not get much hybrid vigor out of a different kush line cross, but you'll get closer to your goal right at the start, and might even find you like the other one better.