What type of strain is this?

What type of strain is this? Is this worth to grow any longer? If Yes, how? Its using 2 CFL Bulbs, and had slow growth.



Well-Known Member
Hard to tell, but look like a sativa indica hybrid to me. The stretchy growth is probably because you're not using enough CFLs? More light would increase growth and make it worth growing out..If it is more on the sativa side then it will definitely need more light to be worth continuing to harvest.

Better to use known genetics to grow though, so you have some idea what you're going to end up with.
im guna say keep it... is it your first grow? focus all the light around where the bud is growing and have the bulbs about 1-2 inches away from the plant youve come this far so why not continue? you obviously arent going to be spending a fortune on lighting as you said you only have 2 cfl and i guess they arent to strong... but yes i agree there is no chance in hell anyone could identify the strain the environment effects growth to much for that to be possible...
haha thanks guys. I will, I am getting couple more CFLs for it and wait couple more weeks, then I have to leave the place where I live currently. It smells good in the room every time i enter :)))


Active Member
when pistils start showing... then your looking at anywhere from 8-10weeks till harvest. My first grow was bag seed and turned out real good.
well look at this, the pistils started 5 weeks ago. It didnt have enough light on it, so im guessing it had slow growth. Can I also make clones out of this?


Active Member
I personally wouldnt make clones from it now as it pretty far along. just Get more lights on it and keep them about 2-3 inches way from plant.