What type of strain? Unusual looking plant.


So I planted some seeds that I had saved from previous purchases. They did alright and several are almost ready to harvest. However I have this one plant that has these really bushy heads and massive bunches of stigmas at the very top of the plant. The buds hidden under the bushy leaves feel about at least 2" in diameter and are about 8-10" in length. It has been in flower for about 8 weeks now and I think it still has a ways to go since the tricomes are still clear and the buds are pretty soft to squeeze. There are a few brown hairs but not a high percentage yet. (The photo with more brown hairs is at 8 weeks. The other is at about 6-1/2 weeks). This plant looks so much different than anything I have ever seen before. Does anyone have any idea what kind of strain this could possibly be? Thanks!

There is a name for that but I cant remember what it is. If I recall it is not strain specific, rather it can occur in other strains, and it is a form of mutant/weird growth structure.

I have had that before many years ago in a Sensi Bubble Gum, but it only one cola, so not like yours which seems to be the entire plant?
Yes, I looked into the idea of a mutation and discovered the polyploid plants look just like the one I have. Apparently these plants have more than two parents, i.e. three or more sets of chromosomes. I also learned that they can have higher THC and higher yields. There is also a risk that one of the flowers may become a hermaphrodite and generate pollen. Thanks to everyone for your help!
To follow up with the polyploids: The leaves surrounding the two large tops started to die off while the rest of the plant keep going for several more weeks before being ready to harvest. So I harvested the polyploid tops early. I eventually used them in a small test batch of canna butter which turned out just fine. Overall I harvested just over one pound of buds from the three plants I grew. I am back at it again this year, but using seeds of known origin including Thai Sativa, Durban Poison, Manitoulin Dream and Denali. They are all doing just fine growing on my deck in utility pails.
That's just a flat topped plant with whirled phyllo. I've seen it on a few plants I bred, not necessarily a "polyploid" but a mutation with the main stem.

Notice the lower auxiliary branches are forming regular terminal flowers, while the top is clearly flat. Clones of this won't repeat the same knuckled appearence.
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