What was your craziest experience


We all have stories about how we smoked way too much before and crazy things happened, both good and bad.

Mine was: My very first time smoking I smoked an entire dutch palma with my brother. The high hit me like a truck. I tried to walk but I just fell to the ground. I went blind, I could not see anything, and everything was soooooo slow. However, my heart was about to pop out of my chest. I thought I was dying, and then I passed the f out. At one point I had a chest pain in which I convinced myself I was dying of a heart attack.

What's your story? It can be a bad experience like I had, or it can be an awesome experience!


Well-Known Member
craziest thing has got to be smoking a bowl and doing some shrooms on top of a mountain and watching the sunset. it was very, very cool.
bad part was not being able to get down in the middle of the night.
good part. i didn't give a shit we were stranded overnight.


Well-Known Member
Grabbing a QP of the bud we were selling (in the 80's) and heading to California with my buddy to meet my best friend, his little brother, who had moved the year before. Made a 2000 mile trip in 30 hours (talk about crazy. Holy shit) and ended up in Placerville, where we were promptly laughed out of a joint circle because of the PATHETIC mexican brown we brought to the party. It was the best the midwest had to offer in those days. We brought total shame down on my best friend with that arrival and the little bastard has never let me forget it. Yes, yes, I embarassed you in front of all your new grower and party contacts. Fuck you already after 30 damn years!

I love the little shit :)


Well-Known Member
Grabbing a QP of the bud we were selling (in the 80's) and heading to California with my buddy to meet my best friend, his little brother, who had moved the year before. Made a 2000 mile trip in 30 hours (talk about crazy. Holy shit) and ended up in Placerville, where we were promptly laughed out of a joint circle because of the PATHETIC mexican brown we brought to the party. It was the best the midwest had to offer in those days. We brought total shame down on my best friend with that arrival and the little bastard has never let me forget it. Yes, yes, I embarassed you in front of all your new grower and party contacts. Fuck you already after 30 damn years!

I love the little shit :)
Aww...you brought a limp dick to a gunfight? I was in vegas playing a poker tournament. I got to heqads up(1 on 1) with this guy from kentucky who wouldn't go down...Finally, during a break, I rolled up on him and said "dude, you wanna chop the prize and just go smoke some bowls??" Well he and his buddy(who got knocked out of the tourny a while back) were all over it...So we split the money, and we're walking back to my room...All the while these guys are telling me "Dude, we're gonna smoke a few bowls, right? Cause we smoke good weed, so is your weed good?"...Haha...once we get to my room and I pack the first bowl, they each hit it and immediately ask to see the weed...I look at my buddy, and hand them the sack...They were blown away, and kept telling me and my friend "We've never seen weed like this, this is completely different than anything we've smoked"...Haha, they got halfway through the first bowl and were done...I mean DONE...lol

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Smoked some old school sativa.Walked thru town while snowing these big fat flakes.When a flake landed on my forehead I would reach up and feel if it left a dent.I kept bumping into people and they gave me the WTF? look.Crazy shit.....

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Walked into my buddies compromised grow op. Another friend and I went over to water, as soon as we were in the front door, we heard radio/speaker transmission. Ran the fuck outta there! The next day cops had yellow tape all over the place, neighbors reported the B and E (light was bastin from basement window). We never knew if we walked into the popo or the robbers, prolly the robbers and the sound we heard was the lookout notifying scammers in the house. that shit was gnarly, thought I was gonna get chased dwn by popo. the guy that rented the house safely made it to Cali to live for the next 8 years.


Well-Known Member
The most awesome experience I had was seeing my friend warp into a brick colored guy with a pyramid of eyes that all blinked at the same time.