what went wrong

daemon kronic

Active Member
DSC_0004.JPG DSC_0003.JPG Am currently working on a batch of clones... Not my first attempt but definitely my cheepest. I dont know why but my first 2 out of the tray wilted and are trying to go crispy.
Am wondering how that happened an how to fix it... Anyone have an idea?
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daemon kronic

Active Member
Other details :
- Started in peat moss pellets
- Useing leds over clone tray, low watt cfl over started plants
- Have been using tap water for leaf spray
- Small overheating issue in tray ( has since been fixed)

daemon kronic

Active Member
Soil is quite wet...peat is holding on to water... White container is dry but there for run off.... And ty ill post agian in a few days if still crispy

daemon kronic

Active Member
So far they keep going downhill.... Will allow them to keep going in hopes that they will come back but at this point i think its time to make a fresh batch..... Whats the chances of this happening because of my over heating issue in the cloner tray? Would like to avoid any further issues.... Nvr had a problem with this part before...


Well-Known Member
Cut off the shade leafs. They are ruined at this point, and sapping energy from any new leafs, plus, heir dead weight is pulling on the main stem

Due to excessive watering you probably have root rot

Nothing to lose by trying to save them, but probably need to start fresh ones

IMHO, it's best to root clones in a simple DIY bubbler. Search my threads for how to


daemon kronic

Active Member
K so ive done off my latest batch but seem to have one thats doing the same thing.... I know its not over watering this time.... What else can it be?


Well-Known Member
Put a humidity dome on them, will keep them from wilting. Mine do this sometimes when the roots just havnt gotten big and strong enough to start sucking water out of the dirt yet. I put them back under my dome in the solo cups and they spring back. I'll test them for a few minutes out of the dome daily till I know they can handle being without it. They love the humidity when they are wee little

daemon kronic

Active Member
DSC_0014.JPG DSC_0009.JPG So ive put a dome over them but they are turning very yellow.... I just did a flush on three of them but not understanding whats going on with this batch... Ive nvr had so much of a problem with clones before....

