What will happen to my plant? (Pics)


Active Member
Hey all, i decided to make some cuts with my first plant just to see what will happen. (Im not too worried if it will die or not, i got 2 more just a week younger right behind it.) Anyways, its almost 3 weeks old, and what i have done is cut the first set of leaves 3, 5, 2x 7, and topped the 9's. Anyone know what will happen? Before and After pics... PICT0185.jpgPICT0186.jpgPICT0192.jpgPICT0195.jpg


Well-Known Member
It will probably just grow more side shoots.
I usually top 4th or 5th set of leaves to make
two colas.:hump:


Well-Known Member
it will live a full and vibrant life and you should get some good smoke and yeild as long as your setup is correct


Well-Known Member
Yeah damn straight itll love bro lol.
Its actually really hard to kill a pot plant
unintentionally. Kinda why its called a
weed. Anyway nah man lookin good.
And also you could go ahead an flower
it to see if its a female. :-P