What will Israel choose?


Well-Known Member
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed this morning to annex "all the settlements" in the West Bank, including an enclave deep in the heart of the largest Palestinian city, Hebron, in a last-ditch move that appeared aimed at shoring up nationalist support the day before the election tomorrow, and eliminating any hope for a contiguous State of Palestine.

"I intend to extend sovereignty on all the settlements and the settlement blocs," including "sites that have security importance or are important to Israel's heritage," Netanyahu said in an interview with Israeli Army Radio.

So what will Israel do tomorrow, follow the lead of Netanyahu and deny the hope of the Palestinians for an actual homeland forever, or continue on a path of bloodshed forever, because that is what will happen (and we bankroll it)

I'm betting on those land stealing motherfucking leaches of American tax dollars to say yea, what the fuck, Trump and the USA loves us, so why not continue too fuck over the Palestinians, no one that matters seems too really care, and re-elect that POS Netanyahu.

If this happens, please contact your Congress person and say enough is enough, and cut all military aid to that racist, warmongerig, bloodsucking affront to common decency, Israel.
