What would cause this?


Well-Known Member
Kind of looks like they were laying on something wet but I can't really look at one leaf and diagnose too well I need the whole plant. If you must remove a leaf then please explain where it came from and include the whole plant photo just so I can rule out scenarios quickly.


Well-Known Member
Since it is only old growth showing the issue, I suggest the problem really is no longer really a problem.

That being said...see how some of the leaves have a slight downward 'claw' effect at the tip...see how some of the upper leaves are 'praying'...see how dark green some of the foliage is? IMHO you may have a slight N excess or toxicity. But, I cannot be sure as I only see what the pic shows to my naked eye. Take a look here:



The bottom fans are requiring more energy than they are producing (because they are shaded) , so the plant is self-pruning in order to put the energy into flowering. I don't see a problem... it's what they do.

Plants are essentially solar powered factories. The plant manager has to pull workers off the production lines in order to do routine maintenance on the panels. If a panel is always in shade, this leads to a net loss of productivity because they lose production in order to maintain something that has no positive benefit to the company. The obvious solution is to remove the unproductive panels and let the worker stay on the production line.