What would you do if you caught a thief in the act?

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I probably wouldn't kill them, which is what most of the paper tiger cowboys on here would claim. So i'll go with call the law, then write off whatever is being stolen, considering their response time.


Well-Known Member
personally I own no possession worth killing some one but if they were an intruder in my home I'd probably just fuck them up as much as I possibly could without actually killing them, that or get my ass kicked either one.


Active Member
its really hard to say how to react when there isnt a defined situation. stealing milk or food? i wouldnt be too pissed, depending on the story they gave me. someone breaking into my house i would probably get physical, but again who knows im not in the situation right now. . . .just dont take my weed


Well-Known Member
Depends on what they were stealing, lets say it's one of my kids like just recently happened I'd fuck them up permanently.


Ursus marijanus
And would there be a difference depending on what they were stealing?

The one time it happened to me, it was local kids who'd trespassed. We had 3 1/2 acres back then. I gave them a good chewing-out and took their pictures, then escorted them to the property line. They never came back.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
And would there be a difference depending on what they were stealing?

I caught a kid red-handed in my car. There was a chase. There was luck and then a capture. No one was injured. He might have been somewhat fas. I'm still mulling over your second question, ya bastard - lol


Well-Known Member
If they were inside my house and I got the drop on them, I'd definitely hold them at gun point and call the law. If the intruder tried to make a move toward me I'd probably knee-cap him if I couldn't pepper spray him first. Really depends on the whole situation. Things change in s as split second, never know what might happen.


Well-Known Member
I was a clever and cunning thief {never pilfered from people}, that being said I was actually cold cocked with a pool cue once, a so called friend was ripping off my stereo and as I was grabbing him, his buddy came from behind....lights out.

As a child the five finger discount was how you survived.


Well-Known Member
Im a plumber and used to keep large outdoor scrap piles as my retirement fund , I have caught several physicaly , and many on CCTV

The ones I catch physicaly I teach a lesson

The ones I catch on camera I turn over to the police , I have to say they are pretty good at catching these people when they get a plate # , All the scrap yards around hear have security cameras out the A hole , that feed into the precients

i would say I have gotten 1/3 of my scrap back and some resititution , Even on cases that They caught no one , I claim it on my taxes and get it back anyway, I have also claimed all kinds of security upgrades , which inturn lowers my insurance . it did before sandy atleast.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
An Ass kicking would be a definite course of action! And now the outside of my house is covered on camera's a trip to the police station with the said offender, that's if he could still walk after resisting the citizens arrest that had just taken place. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you kick his ass the last place you will want to bring him is to the police

but when they 'resist' make sure them hits count