What would you do in this situation?


Well-Known Member
I have 14 clones and only two are in pots. right now there sitting in the small half ping root bags that are suppose to stay on them and go in the soil with them when transplanted. the problem is i cant get soil until thursday because thats when i get paid. but the clones have roots coming out of the bags and they just keep dying. what could i do until i can get soil for them? can post pic if necessary
Just fucking with you man. I see so many uptight fuckers arguing back and forth on here i got to get a poke in on occasion. Good luck brother.
It's fine. They're just getting air pruned. Obviously get them into bigger pots asap but they won't die.
Hahaha, I hear you bro, some really uptight arseholes on this site... Seems to be the way of the world right now, people always want to argue... ;-)

It's not that sometime people just aren't in the mood for smart ass replies so they defend themselves. Not out of the question really, if you were asking for advice in public and someone just gave you a similar response I'm sure you'd at least think the person was being a little bit of a dick. We're not roll with punches it's cool to poke fun at everyone kind of people, the site is filled to the brim with a whole variety of people and different personalities. That's how I see it anyways.

Edit: To answer OP's question wait til pay day and get your pots and soil then they'll be fine for another couple days.