What you think of my Auto Berry Ryder plants [IM A NEWB]]:D

Can You guys tell me how my plant is doing im a super newb this is my first plant,,,,, I am going super stealth mode i am growing my Auto berry ryder plants in my cupoard i am using 2 125w cfl lights i give them a good watering in the morning and again before i go to sleep.... Also when will the plants start to smell?



Well-Known Member
Can You guys tell me how my plant is doing im a super newb this is my first plant,,,,, I am going super stealth mode i am growing my Auto berry ryder plants in my cupoard i am using 2 125w cfl lights i give them a good watering in the morning and again before i go to sleep.... Also when will the plants start to smell?
they look good! don't over water. you don't need to worry about smell until you have much bigger plants. you'll know it when you smell it. some strains don't smell much at all. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Bro you do not need to water twice a day. Some people water twice a week, plant that size does not drink to much. Lower your watering to once a day. You should see more growth as the roots expand in search of a bit of water. Bigger roots= bigger plants. PLus you dont want root rot.


Active Member
water around the edges of your pot to coax the roots toward the water also I'd suggest waiting until the medium is dry to allow oxygen to get to the roots which will help them become stronger and more stable. A good tip is to weigh your pots dry and then again after a good watering or you could pick them up to gauge the weight. Alternatively stick your finger in the medium around 2 inches down, if wet leave for 2 days or so, if moist leave it for a day, if it's dry give it a good water until a little drips through the base of the pots not too much though you don't want to swamp your plants. Good Luck dude :peace:


Active Member
rub your fingers along the stem every so often too, you'll notice it getting stinky :D it may smell a little now but that's just a generic young bud plant smell I think.... still quite nice though haha :eyesmoke: