That is very false. All living things on this planet NEED nutrients to survive. Cannabis has a very hard time growing in sand if their aren't any nutrients given directly to the roots. Sand has little to no nutrient holding capacities which is why most plants can never survive in the desert. To just say that plants need only light to grow is defitinally ignorant to basic botany of plants. There are 4 main things ALL domesticated plants need to survive: Air, Water, Nutrients, Light. You need to supply your plants with all 4 of those main ingredients to grow cannabis. If any one of those is too little or even too much then you can run into problems.
I completely agree with your analysis of a good organic built soil though.... BUT... a good organic built soil has a SHIT load of nutrients in it and a SHIT load of fungi/bacteria to do your bidding.
Please don't give out false info like that.
Re-read my words again if you would like friend and you should see that there was nothing said, false.
I made it clear the importance of good soil indoors, but this Tree can indeed grow in sand outside with nothing but irregular watering " brought up only as an example that we do not have to go crazy and spend rediculous money on many so-called nutrients that are really overkill and not needed as much as lighting and other factors, that are even more important. "
This Tree can be grown in the desert and it still saddens me how people choose the ignorance of false science to common sense and trying things for themselves to see if it works.
Have I grown in sand and used nothing but water in direct sunlight outside.....yes....results.....three tokes and you are good.....real good.
Done it twice.
I usually never respond in defense, but you guys would be amazed at what this Tree can really do, once you listen to your heart and not what some false science or dellusions have tried to deter the mind.
Allot of these young boys and girls, do not have the money to buy all of the things that are recommended by some.
They just want to know how to grow a tree or two and have some nice medicines.
You can surely spend as much as you would like, but it is not necessary and a waste for most that just want a small controllable grow for their own smoke.
Keep it simple and after a couple of grows, new people will find out really that it is common sense " when one chooses to apply it," that will produce the most healthy and potent smoke......for cheap.
Geez, brothers I use to watch this stuff sprout and grow out of old igloo coolers in the back yard that had last years dirt thrown in them and watch them get six foot and produce old school smoke that would burn out your eyes.
Now, it is Bloombastic 9000 this and that and brothers and sisters just throw their money away, because they want to listen to the next person that has never used common sense thinking for him or herself.
Does well for the Marketers, but never allows the growers to learn the Real Truth of Growing.
Truth that they do not teach in college and never will.......until we make them through our own understandings.
Rev. TheNatural