
Seems like there are more sock puppets than legit member accounts.
New ones everyday. Every new member is suspect and lots are trolled
just to get them to reveal their true colors.






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Well,ummm let's see,Russia elected some Guy who was named Putin(Pronounced Poo Tin) "Bet his school years were fun"And The US of A elected a Black Man to live in a White House Twice Go figure.But according to everyone you ask no one voted for him.So pretty much nothing.Same ole Same ole.
Is pan head the guy with the nazi back tattoo that brags on here about raping guys?

I get confused.
I think panhead and Illinois enema bandit are one and the same. Not sure about the back tattoo though but yes I believe there was some talk here from him in reference to the man rape thing.
@bu$hleaguer ? I will need authentication on this RIU historian..

UB hit 100k posts
Pinny freaked out on shrooms and got banned again :(
TNT was hit with a mighty onslaught of horrible socks
O'dank is back
My cubbies are world champs
Buncha other stuff


He was banned again
I'm back after a few year hiatus but it seems like buisiness as usual, guys arguing over who has the biggest penis a random girl or 2 lost in a sea of douche baggery. I'm right, you're wrong but I have no facts to back that up. trollitup hard br3h erry day
I think panhead and Illinois enema bandit are one and the same. Not sure about the back tattoo though but yes I believe there was some talk here from him in reference to the man rape thing.
@bu$hleaguer ? I will need authentication on this RIU historian..

He was banned again

I've been a bad riu historian I don't know much anymore. I know Illinois enema is panhead but can't say about any man rape, although that is probable, man rape is always probable. UB knows about this alleged tattoo so he's really the one to ask, he knows all the sockage in these here parts
UB hit 100k posts
Pinny freaked out on shrooms and got banned again :(
TNT was hit with a mighty onslaught of horrible socks
O'dank is back
My cubbies are world champs
Buncha other stuff

-Nicely done @UncleBuck
-Well, pinny was bound to get banned again, cause hes a little wild
-pretty sure socks carry gonarhea
-well im sure everyone is glad to see o'dank back. Im sure all of his tall tales will get his ass in hot water again though. Who knows? Maybe he wont get caught telling fish stories this time.
-i knew they would win. I didnt change my underwear for the whole series.
-cool beans, thanks

Oh and i see bob zumba missed me. Hi bob. I missed you too. Hugs? :hug:
@Illinois Enema Bandit said he would have traded some coffee and shit to have a snitch suck him off in prison. I fail to see how purchasing a sexual favor is considered rape.
Apparently you missed the post where he said him and his white supremacist prison gang would rape people "and leave them whimpering on the ground." I'm sure @UncleBuck could fill you in.