whats a good light bulb to grow 1 pot plant?

im doing my first grow. im only growin for personal use and plus i dont have much money so im only starting out with one plant. ive already gathered up alot of info and shit on most everything. the one thing im still confused on tho is the light bulb i need. ive read about blue lights red lights, watts and all this other shit i dont understand. so can someone just tell me in english a light bulb i need to get. preferably one can find at a walmart or lowes home improvement center. remember im broke i only need enuf lighting for one plant lol


Active Member
I'd run a 200 watt cfl over the top and 4 smaller cfls circling the plant. Will be plenty of light for one girl and cfl is cheap.. Besides I'm pretty certain you can't buy an hps in Walmart lol


Well-Known Member
Well I think lowes goes down to like 75 watt hps bulbs but really if you want to they sell the t8s cfl fixture there too. I can't recall exactly but there is a thread on here micro grows or something and they show all kinds of smaller type grows with all different set ups.

I guess to directly answer your question you should be able to get away with some t8s from lowes just make sure you have enough lights for the space your in. Once you learn more about spectrums and things like that u can just uprade as u go.


Active Member
home depot has a cfl thats 14.95. it uses like 68 watts, i think, and puts out a 300. i have three in cheap aluminum clamp reflectors, cords, that go for 9.95 ea. so use one of these for the top. and three of the 200s for around the plant. i think you will be happy, althogh i have never grown out on this small of unit. shope lights, are also even cheaper. for ten bucks, you can get the basic twin tube 48" shop light. i put two togeather on a wooden frame. and replaced the tubes, with 6500k blues. this worked great on my veg. i let the plants touch em. no burn. use at least a 4 gal pot.