What's Cookin'? Because Connoisseur isn't only about Cannabis


Well-Known Member
Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. What's on your plate today?

The definition of a connoisseur is a lover of the art. A lover of wine. A lover of beer. A lover of food. A lover of weed. It's all legit.

I love a New York style Pizza and a Chicago style Hot Dog. Buffalo style Chicken Wings? I cut my teeth on 'em (and for those who know Anchor Bar Vs. Duff's, I'm squarely in the Anchor Bar camp). Tacos Al Pastor? We got any Mexico City brothers and sisters here? Homemade Sushi or Mussels in Garlic and White Wine? Mac 'n' Cheese, Beans and Rice. A bowl of Popcorn or a bag of Doritos. What makes you happy? Bring it!
give me chimichangas, tortillas, guacamole, buritoes,burrows hell anything mexican. ever since i went to america for the first time and we visited mexico ive loved mexican food. sloppy joes
love all food realy, as long as its not toospicey, i like to enjoy the food onmy pallet, not burn the hell out of it.
chicken being my fave meat, i love anything chicken, pork, lamb only eat beef in mexican dishes or italian pasta dishes.
and i love garlic, you can never have enough garlic. my fave is chicken, a whole one roasted with100 garlic cloves. takes time to prepare but worth every mouth full. oh yes and i cook all my own food from scratch