whats expected?!


Active Member
Hi guys just a quick post to get abit of feedback from some of the more experienced growers. My question is what sort of dry yeild can i expect from a 9 x clones of bubbleberry thats been vegged for 2 weeks and flowered for 8 under a 600w hps light in a 1 meter square tent in 3litre pots. Im feeding every 2/3 days with bio-grow products and gonna use green sensation in the last 2 weeks of flowering before the flush. All i would like to know is a rough estimate of what to expect, the plants are looking very healthy and are coming along nicely (about a foot tall now)

Any info from you guys would be appriciated coz im new to this forum and wanna get involved! =)


Well-Known Member
from what i read about blueberry is that you have to keep pinchin the tops off or you wont get your total yeild for that strain. blueberry can yeild alot of smoke if it is topped a lot. i have blueberry clones at this time but they are not ready to put in the budding room yet. i am planning on lettting them veg till about 4 ft tall. may ahve to tie them down to bud lol they can be a very large plant. good luck and post yer yeild also pics


Well-Known Member
i dont know litres i use 5 gal buckets but i dont think they are big enough my next grow will be in a bigger bucket. when i empty my pot after flower all the roots are wrapped around the bottom but they all look healthy at harvest. well c


Active Member
cheers guys! Ill post pics of final product once ive harvested (only been in flower saturday) so still got a way to go yet!

Another thing is how long would i need to veg the same strain clones for under a 150w cfl to increase yeild on the next harvest? Would vegging abit longer actually help?


Well-Known Member
you can veg a plant as long as 15 yrs for a mother plant 6 weeks at least i would think. i have had 2 harvest the first i only vegged like urs now im not so anxious to get flowering the harvest coming up in a couple of weeks i am very proud of. this is a dutch treat strain. i let veg for about 8 weeks. i have colas the size of 40 oz beer bottles. just play around with them experiment you will learn as i am c-ya