What's going on PEEPS!


Well-Known Member
Hello all and good afternoon,

I'm just growing my first batch of plants, I have a 30"x30"x48" grow box for flowering but I'm getting this weird growth on my leaves.

Anyone give me any idea on this one?

I'm running 4 Flourescents at the moment but I'm bumping them up to
100 watt NMH, and a 100 watt HPS.

Any help would be great!



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.... headding down to get some ladybugs

They are flowering right now so I can't spray them


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of changing over from my Flourescents to (x1) 100W NMH & (x1) 100W HPS.

I only have two Full spectrum bulbs in there now and they are only kickin it at 15W
with two other 3700K 15W bulbs.


Well-Known Member
If your gonna do that, you might as well get a 250W enclosure with a switchable ballast and a MH and HPS bulb. there isn't a significant difference in heat between 100 and 250. remeber though, that this will require alot more venting than what you are probably already using. if you don't wanna change that much stuff, but have the money, get a big 'ol TT105 flourescent system. Those suckers put out about 40000 lumens and you can mix warm and cool bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I can deal with the Venting issue...and I already have the bulbs and am getting the ballists in the next couple of days.... I'm just not happy with how these lights are working, and well I'm not Mr.Moneybags at the moment... ;) I get a good deal on the stuff I'm getting now... my whole setup is running me around $150
Lights, wire, fans, vent everything...


Well-Known Member
I seen some little green bugs on the underside of a leaf.

They don't seem to be damaging the leaves themselves though... just putting that crap on the top. But I do have some yellowing leaves on the interior of the plant at the bottom... but I think that is from lack of light getting throught the top canopy.


Well-Known Member
I have seen some little green bugs on my leaves.

But the leaves are pretty much fine, the plant is still strong and looks pretty healthy. *mind you I treat it like a god*

Here is a better pic of some of the growth.



Well-Known Member
if it's green, you don't have spider mites, you have aphids. They don't eat the leaves the way a caterpiller does. They suck the fluids out of the leaves and the stems. Aphids cannot digest all of the brix, aka sugar, that they eat, so they poop out sugar water, basically. What you are seeing on your leaf is called sooty mold. It's eating that sugar poop left by the aphids. While not as dangerous as other molds, it can completely shut down photosynthesis if allowed to continue. You need to get those ladybugs in there PRONTO. You should only need a few dozen. A single ladybug can consume around 5000 aphids in her short lifetime. Hope all of this helps.


Well-Known Member
Dude anything to keep my babies ALIVE!!!!

Thanks for all your help... now how to keep all the lady bugs in my box.... and not in my house.... LOL


Well-Known Member
The ladybugs will take care of the aphids in no time. Sorry, but I don't know how to get rid of sooty mold. You might want to ask the person you're getting the ladybugs from, or consult a gardening professional at your local garden shop.


Well-Known Member
;) If I can help you with anything let me know.

I'm using an "all Natural" fert that my Ma gives me ;) when you use it as a spray on the leaves. You see a difference in like 45 min it's some dope stuff ;)

And had I used it on my plants before putting them to Flower I wouldn't have this problem at all..