whats going on?? (pics)


Well-Known Member
Pretty new grower here. I am using CFL's one 125 watt, and three 23 watters. I am growing in MG seed starting soil (which what I think may be causing the problems). But anyway...the pics are of the same plant that is the farthest along. It is growing but a little on the slow side and it looks like the new leaves are going to start doing the same thing. browning on the tips and working inward. any ideas would be AWSOME. thanks for the help.

Oh...and i transplanted it to a bigger pot today with different non nute soil. thanks again and sorry about the crappy cell pics.



Well-Known Member
Using mg soil needs no added nutes.Let seedling dry out a little bit in between waterings. Keep temps around 25c.Cool temps will slow down growth.Some are slow anyway and pick up.Changing soil may help. giving ideal inviroment is the best you can do for any plant. I find growing with organic is easier so as not to overfertilize the crop.Hope this helps good luck and have patience and a back up plan if everything goes south.Showgirl


Well-Known Member
thanks showgirl. The brown leaves look the same but the rest of the plant looks good. I'll keep an eye on it though. And the reason I did not fill the cup to the top was so the the reflective plastic would help spread the light over the plant. it worked fine before...I think it was just the heavy nutes in the soil. thnxs again.

