whats going on with my budz?

ok noob ere again with my first ever grow and im confused as to whats happening to my buds,the first 2 pics attached are of a strawberryblue which is mostly a sativa.im at the start of week 5 and its a 9 week flower but the bud is all swelled up.the next pic is of my afgan kush again on its 5th week but is only an 8 week flower however its all hairy with no swelling, does anyone know these strains ?if so is there anything wrong? surely the afgan would be well ahead of the strawberry? or is this how they are. ive got no past experience (except smoking!)and have never seen a real life plant at any stage,i guess they look like other pics ive seen but could do with some assurance/advice i.e will i need to crop seperately?is the strawberry nearly ready even though its just over half way through the recommended growing time?
these things haver stressed me out more than my wife does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps the last pic is of the lot as i know ppl like to look! sorry bout quality of pics.thx



Well-Known Member
Different strains carry different traits my friend, some do this and some do that. Your should be fine :blsmoke:
temps are between 26-29max usually around 27/28,i was more wondering if the kush will swell or not or is that just how it is? cant seem to find any topic on the strawberry blue and only a few on the afgan kush, anyone with experience of these strains please???????????????????????