Whats going on with them


Well-Known Member
What kind of water are you feeding? Are you giving them any Cal/mag? Looks like a deficiency I'd say.


Weed Modifier
Need clear pics of leaves and of whole plant.
You growing in coco? If not then ph should be 6.5
Provide as much info about grow to get best advice.
Medium, lights, water and feed schedule, temp humidity...all that good info.
Need clear pics of leaves and of whole plant.
You growing in coco? If not then ph should be 6.5
Provide as much info about grow to get best advice.
Medium, lights, water and feed schedule, temp humidity...all that good info.
growing in coco peat mixed with Dolomite lime perlite premix. 600w led i feed 1m plant nutrient 1m bloom per 2gal i feed when pots are light rh 65-70 temp at 71-77



Weed Modifier
Plant looks healthy to me. I wouldnt worry about a few small imperfections on a bottom leaf, overall plant looks great, and i wouldnt change anything at this time. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
could be a bit to much potassium, i ran into this and this looks similar to the early sings of my plants when i decided i needed to introduce calmag. i would look into it before taking my word though im fairly new at the game <3


Well-Known Member
if you are using general hydroponics flora they suggest to add bloom, and im thinking what they suggest is a bit to much, in my next batch im going to try taking the bloom out of the equation until flower
Ye its moving to my other plants aswell but i feed my 2autos different so im confused but ill wait it out untill next feed and see if anything changes all the help is appreciated or if anyone knows exactly wat it is would be a huge help


Well-Known Member
from what ive been told its not a good idea to use bloom during vegetative growth because plants dont really need potassium in veg the mainly need nitrogen but again this is just from my research the last couple months id get a second opinion